A Friend Turned Foe

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The snow continued falling down the ground as Papyrus walked through the forest. He couldn't face anyone after that. How many people had known that he would never fulfill his dreams?

There was only one monster in the Underground who would listen to him.

"Are you here?" He asked, looking for his friend.

Some grass started to shake as a small, yellow flower popped out of the ground.

"Howdy, Papyrus!"

"Hello, Flowey."Papyrus gave a smile to his flower friend.

"Hmmm..." Flowey's face became slightly downcast. "You look a little sad. Is something wrong?" He asked, cocking his petals.

"No. Not at all." Papyrus started, blocking out the memories. It failed as he started to softly cry.

"Aww, Papyrus, whats wrong? You can always tell your best friend what's going on."Flowey reached a petal out to touch his scarf.

"I don't think I'm ever going to become a Royal Guardsmen." He started.

"Aww, of course that's not true! You're amazing at what you do and I'm sure you can become a guard member one day!" Flowey gave his friend a reassuring look.

"No, I don't think so, Flowey. Undyne just told someone a few hours ago that she'll never let me in. She didn't know I heard it, and it just hurts so much. I've been working so hard, and now..." He didn't finish, allowing himself to start to cry harder now.

Flowey stopped for a moment, not sure how to react.

I don't understand

Nevertheless, he tried to. After all, this might be the chance he needed to finally achieve his dreams.

"Papyrus, Undyne is totally wrong. She has to let you in one day!" Flowey puffed out his stem proudly. "Take it from me, she'll change her mind. All we have to do is show her a new trick." A spooky grin spread across the flowers face.

"I don't think that will change anything. She said that I wouldn't ever kill anyone. Which is true, but neither would King Asgore! So why can he fight and not I?"

Flowey nodded. His father was a softie at heart. Even though he had already killed six humans, Asgore had done it with too much regret.

"Listen to me, Papyrus. Do you want to become a Royal Guardsmen?"

Flowey received a nod.

"Now, listen up. I know exactly how I can help you. Do you trust me?" Flowey asked.

Once again, Papyrus nodded, after some hesitation.

"Okay. Papyrus, listen to what I'm about to say. It might be a little hard, but I'm sure you can become a member of the Royal Guard this way. Now, close your eyes." Flowey commanded, which caused the skeleton to close his eyes.

Papyrus didn't know exactly why Flowey was having him close his eyes. But Flowey hadn't led him wrong before, so he had every reason to trust him.

But it didn't work out.

Papyrus fell over, a sharp pain piercing through his bones. He opened his eyes, seeing a grin on Floweys face. His face was twisted, causing a shiver down Papyrus's back. "You IDIOT. Haven't you learned anything from your silly little eavesdropping? You're too soft. Willing to trust anyone. Even if it will lead you to DEATH." A wicked laugh escaped from Flowey. "It was nice to know you, Papyrus. Go ahead, call for help. I dare ya."

"Sans, Undyne! Help?" Papyrus yelled, calling out for his brother and best friend. Maybe they were nearby?




"But nobody came. Golly, now isn't that a shame? Toodle-loo!" Flowey laughed again, sending a wave a bullets towards Papyrus. As each one hit him, he yelled, trying to hold back against the pain. It didn't work. Finally, he closed his eyes.

Maybe it would be better asleep...

Okay, no one here, and I mean NO ONE, will ever understand how much I LOVE writing with Flowey. He's such a fun character and I don't think I'll ever get over how much I love him. He's my 2nd favorite character in the game! I also just counted through the parts, and this is setting the story for an end at Wednesday. Be on the lookout for an extra note concerning something about the story! And as always, more tomorrow!

Confidence Defeated: An Undertale Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now