Alternate Ending Part 2

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Sans didn't understand the kid one bit. No one ever would.

"Kid, you don't know what you're doing. This monster is going to take your soul and kill us all." He told them, shaking his head.

*Sans, it's the only way. Please, help me with this.

The human child seemed desperate at this point. But their request was so improbable.

Unless Sans did one thing.

Holding his hand out, the bright red DETERMINATION of their soul became a deep blue of INTEGRITY. Sans then turned to the flower. "Go ahead, take it. But only until the kid starts taking it back. Then you have to give it up willingly or I will rip you apart. Deal?"

"Like you'd have the guts to go through with it." The flower sneered. "But I'll agree. Just to make you happy."

Leaning forward, the flower reached out a vine, touching the soul. Almost instantly, the human lurched back in pain from such direct contact. Sans knew that two people sharing a soul always turned out poorly. So why had he hoped this would turn out any differently.

The human looked up, their breathing slowing down. Without determination, it would be so hard to keep their body moving and alive. They locked eyes with the flower and forced a hard smile on their face.

"C'mon, nerd. Take it easy. You've got this." Undyne said, kneeling down to the humans height. If you can beat me, you can do anything.

The human looked up to the sky, letting out another yell. The flower gave a small wince as well. Sans shook a little, the grip on their soul faltering. It was a pretty good idea. With Sans holding onto their soul, it was less likely to crack.

They sat like that for a minute or so that seemed to last forever. Finally, the eyes of the flower seemed to lighten up. It bowed its head forward, transferring ownership of the soul back to the human.

"I'm sorry." It muttered almost inaduibly. "This isn't what's right. This isn't what they would have wanted."

The human finally relaxed for a moment.

*See, there was some good in you after all.

The flower slowly let go, freeing Papyrus from the vines.

"You won't see me again. I can promise that. Oh, and human?" They looked up, a mixture of confusion, exhaustion, and fear on their face. "Thank you... I needed that."

It burrowed its way under the ground leaving them alone.

"Papyrus, are you alright?" Undyne asked. "Man, this is all my fault. I'd hate for something bad to happen to you because I'm being selfish."

"A little tired, but I'm fine." Papyrus said, kneeling to the ground.

"You sure, bro? This couldn't have been pleasant in the slightest." Sans gave him a quisitive look.

"It would take a lot more than that to best the Great Papyrus." The human snickered at this remark.

*I'm just glad you're okay. That flower wouldn't have started to mess with you if I wasn't around.

"This was no one's fault." Papyrus said, trying to reassure the human and Undyne. "Everyone acted a bit off and did different things."

"It's been a long day." Sans said, stretching. "Anyone up for Grillby's?"

The human eagerly nodded, as well did Undyne, although a little less eager.

"I suppose one night there would be okay.." Papyrus sighed. Sans knew he never liked the place, but it was the easiest choice at the moment.

"Alright then. C'mon. I know a short cut."

Confidence Defeated: An Undertale Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now