Killing Daunte :: Part 1

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:) Written by meeee!

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Oh ----------------------------> I made the banner too :)

Listen to the song, that's how I feel carter treated Annabella.


Carter had disappeared for a couple days with only the parting words, “I’ll send Daunte here in two days, be ready.”  The words had sent shivers down my spine but I knew he was right. If I didn’t do this then I would be forever ashamed that I hadn’t done everything possible to avenge my daughter’s death.

It had taken me an entire day of thinking to finally come up with fool proof plan on getting rid of Daunte without putting myself in too much danger. Smiling, I fingered the small glass bottle of Ketamine I’d purchased in town this morning claiming I had to use it for the horses Carter and I kept on the farm.  

One dose of this and he’d be out like a light. He would be heavy to move but thankfully all my work in the fields had made my muscles strong and I didn’t shy away from a challenge. ‘I wonder why Carter didn’t stay and help.’  I bit my lip, shifting to a more comfortable position on the couch, probably wanted me to prove to myself that I could do it.

I had “run” into Daunte while I was in town and had fooled him into agreeing to come over to the house tonight. That was 4 hours from now and I still had a lot of work to do. Carefully I put the glass bottle in the fruit basket next to the small syringe which was already full of a dose of Ketamine.  The chair scraped on the wooden floor as I pushed back from the table, and I flinched at the sound. It reminded me of the night when the men had attacked.

With a resolute sigh, I shook my head to clear it of the thoughts that plagued me. I had to install hooks on the dock for when I “Took care of” Daunte. A cruel smile filled my face as I thought of what I had planned for him. In the tool shed I grabbed a big hammer, 16 Six inch nails, and a few hooks to attach the chains to.

With a sinking heart I walked down to the dock, a place I hadn’t been within 20 feet since the day my daughter drowned on it. But I had to, so I walked with resolve on the grey, well-worn boards, tears streaming down my face with each step.

Rylee, Rylee, Rylee, Rylee. With each step I took, her name pulsed in my head, and my heart ached and all I wanted to do is have her in my arms again, even for a minute.

 Carter hadn’t let me touch her body after he’d taken her from the docks and I had been forbidden from looking at her face before they closed her coffin for the last time. He felt like I didn’t deserve the privilege.

 That had been the beginning of the end for us, my begging to see her had made him angrier and angrier until he’d snapped and back handed my face. That had been the first and last time he’d hit me, but I always knew in the back of my mind that he was capable of doing It again.

I knelt on the dock directly In front of the spot where Rylee had fallen in. There was still a scrap of her dress attached to the corner of a plank, but I kept my eyes on my work. Carefully I positioned the first two hooks so they were 2 inches below the end of the board about two feet apart.  Then I hammered 4 of the nails into each one, pulling on them with all my weight to make sure they were secure. Then I put another set three feet down from them the same distance apart.

Satisfied, I pushed myself onto my feet and hurried away from the dock, glad to be way from that place. Soon there would be good memories there; finally I would take back the power I’d lost 2 years ago. I glanced at my watched; paling when I saw how much time had actually passed.

“Holy crap! It’s only 2 hours till he gets here!” I whined, dropping the tools in the shed carelessly and running into the house. I had so many things to do before he got here, if I didn’t look drop dead gorgeous, Daunte might start thinking how weird this was and I’d be screwed. Daunted was a good foot taller than me and well-muscled, there was no way I could over power him unless he was drugged.

I hurried upstairs and took a quick shower, being careful to shave my legs perfectly until they were as smooth as silk. Stepping out of my shower, I wrapped my fluffy, white towel around my body and sat on the toilet. My Cherry Blossom lotion was on the side table by the toilet and I squirted a generous amount on my hands then rubbed them carefully all over my legs, I needed them to shine in the candle light, If he was distracted by my legs and- I grinned- chest, he wouldn’t see me stick him with the syringe.

When my legs were completely lotioned up, I applied foundation evenly over my face, my sheer powered followed so my forehead wouldn’t shine. A deep red blush in the hollows of my cheeks made my cheek bones look more defined and a bronzer on the apples of my cheeks gave me a lovely glow.  For my eyes I used thick black eyeliner and a dark gray eye shadow, using black matt shadow on the crease and corners of my top lid to add depth. Last but certainly not least, I used navy blue mascara to coat my lashes on the top and bottom completely until my lashes framed my eyes, giving them the large and innocent look.

I smiled wickedly at my reflection as I put on some blood red lipstick. My hair I let air dry into messy waves, using my hands to ruffle my hair up a bit to make it look like I’d just gotten out of bed.  In my closet I pulled out a lacy black dress that was so short if I bent over you’d be able to see everything I had bought it to wear for Carter and my anniversary which fell only 2 days after Rylee had drowned, but had never worn it for obvious reasons.

It fit my body like a glove and gave me curves I didn’t even know I had. A small smile came onto my face, I hadn’t felt this pretty in a long time…Too bad it was for some guy I was going to kill. I rustled around in my dresser until I found my thighs high black stockings, which I pulled on quickly. I stepped into my black high heels and stared critically at myself in the full length mirror hung next to my door.

I looked awesome, “Perfect.” I glanced at the clock on my night stand and gulped nervously when I saw it was almost time. Quickly I hurried downstairs and put the lasagna in the oven that I had prepared earlier. As I closed the door to the oven I heard a car door slam.

My skin began to crawl at the thought of touching Daunte, one of the men who’d violated me and stabbed my husband. I squared my shoulders and walked to stand by my front door, I had to do this, for Rylee.

“Always for you baby.” I whispered out loud, I could do this for my baby, this man DESERVED to die.

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