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This chapter was written by me, Jane aka Xerocide :)

It's nine pages long on MWord. Hahaha Crazy long for meee!

I really like this chapter, I love writing about food. >,< And yes, this is a completely real recipe I loveeee! Go ahead and try it yourself, clicky the external link and it will take you to it.

---------------------------------->>That's Elizabeth and Annabella (well more like Elena and Jenna [RIP] from Vampire Diaries but it works :D  )

Play the song, it's like.....Another theme song for this story. The feeling it gives me is how I imagine Annabella feels sometimes.

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I stared down at Elizabeth’s body with annoyance. She’d passed out after laughing and crying for an hour after I allowed her to dose herself with some more heroin.

I had wanted to shove her down the basement steps and end her annoying miserable life but that would put a dent in my evil plans. ‘Evil plans, ha! I sound like a villain from a tacky superhero film!’  I thought, chuckling out loud. Elizabeth wouldn’t hear me anyways; she was out for a good 2 hours at least.

I walked over to my hidden wall safe,         quickly spinning the dial until it clicked and pulled it open. Inside was the gun I’d bought from the same drug dealer I’d bought the heroin from a couple days ago. It was untraceable, I’d checked that the serial number was scratched off and for good measure I’d scratched up the inside of the barrel to change to marks that would be left on the bullets in case I’d ever needed to fire it.

I was well stocked with heroin, enough that I wouldn’t need to pay a visit to my friendly neighborhood drug dealer; it was amazing how even in this small town in the middle of nowhere there was a huge drug running business. I knew for a fact that my father in law, the sheriff, was getting a piece of everything that went on. That’s why Carter enjoyed raising pot so much; his father didn’t cut anything from the profits because they were family.

Carter. My heart twanged miserably at the thought of him, Up until last week I thought there was nothing but hate for him left in my heart, I was so wrong. I loved him so much it physically hurt to be separated. But he needed to lay low for a reason I wasn’t entirely sure of. Maybe that’s why it was so easy to kill Edward.

I shrugged and walked into the shiny kitchen. I’d convinced Elizabeth to clean it when she was high, and I had to admit, she did a nice job. I opened the fridge and studied everything inside, trying to decide what to make for dinner.  I decided that a nice Italian style leg of lamb and roasted potatoes and some green beans sounded delicious.

I set the leg on the ledge and pulled out my fresh bunches of rosemary, parsley, thyme, and oregano from the vegetable drawer and put them on my large glass cutting board along with a bar of salted butter.  From my temperature controlled spice cabinet next to the stove I pulled out 8 red potatoes and 2 cloves of garlic and put them on the cutting board as well.

The green beans I’d picked this morning were already broken and cooking with a bit of salt pork and olive oil on the stove. With a skill honed from years of practice I chopped all the spices and put them in a bowl with a bit of olive oil and salt. The cloves of garlic I chopped into thin slices and set them carefully next to the lamb. 

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