Puppet Master

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This chapter was written by my awesome co-writer, AnnaxLove.

I have great news, Wicked Annabella is number 6 on Horror right now. :) We are so happy! Thanks for helping us get this far, let's see if we can get to number 1!


Vote and give feedback please :)

You know what annoys me? When people say they won't upload until a number of votes that they choose, I think that's like...wrong. IDK...Just a rant.


I heard a noise coming from the basement. It sounded like someone was walking up the stairs. The door opened and out can Elizabeth a little disorientated. Probably a side effect from the heroin I gave her.

"I'm thirsty." she said as she sat at the table next to me. She looked tired as ever.

I walked over to the sink to get her some water. I needed to be nice to her if I wanted to get her to do what I needed to do.

Her eyes were red from all the crying she did earlier. A hint of guilt hit me thinking about it. He was an innocent person that shouldn't have been killed for my own selfish reasons. But no, I needed to do this for what Tyler did to my family. The guilt immediately left me as fast as it came.

Anger filled my body. It was the most anger I have ever felt, I almost felt as if I couldn't control myself. I would probably go on killing spree right now if I got even a little bit more furious.

I forgot that I was holding her glass of water so tightly in my hand. I noticed when it was too late. My hand clenched around the glass so hard that the glass busted in my hand.

My hand felt numb as water and blood flowed over my hand. I was oddly calm, usually I would freak out if something like this happened. Elizabeth looked at me in shock and confusion to why I broke the glass in my hand, but didn't dare to ask. She was probably a little scared of me right now.

I walked over to the sink and washed my hand till the bleeding calmed down, after that I tied an ace bandage around my hand tightly so the pressure would stop the bleeding completely.

I got the broom and mop to clean the mess on my kitchen floor. Then I got Elizabeth another glass of water and made sure not to break this one.

"You okay?" Elizabeth asked in a concerned tone as I sat down next to her again.

"Dandy." I mumbled smiling at her. She looked like she didn't believe me, but decided against it to not ask questions right now.

After she chugged down her water, I got up and said to her, "Let's go."

She looked at me trying to think of where we would be going right now. "Where?" she asked.

"To bury Edward." I tried to sound a little sympathetic, but it came out a little calmer than I expected. I grabbed her hand and led her outside to the shed where we left him.

Before we picked him up, Elizabeth hesitated a little bit. I could see the guilt in her eyes, it was the same look I had in my eyes when Rylee drowned. I couldn't help, but feel sorry for her. It wasn't her fault, but I needed to make her feel like it was her fault because I needed total control over her.

I grabbed his legs while she grabbed his arms. He was heavier than I expected, so I was glad I wasn't doing this job alone.

We slugged him near the dirt to where we were going to bury him. With both shovels in our hands we started to dig. After a few feet or so, we picked him back up and gently put him in there. I didn't want to be disrespectful and throw him in there like I did to the other two guys.

After putting the dirt back into the hole, I left so Elizabeth can have some alone time next to his grave and grieve his death.

My stomach started to grumble and that's when I knew it was dinner time. I took out some noodles, sauce, and meatballs.

While the noodles were boiling, I started to make my sauce to put on the spaghetti. The sizzling noises the sauce made in the pan made my mouth water. I added in the usual spices that made the sauce extra delicious. Oregano, bay leaf, basil, thyme, and garlic. Mixing all of the spices together made the most appetizing smell that lingered through my nostrils.

"Smells good." I heard Elizabeth say as she walked back inside the house.

"Thanks. It's my special sauce." I looked over at her to see her eyes red and tear stains on her shirt. She smiled at me, but I could tell that it was obviously forced.

As soon as dinner was done, I put it on both of our plates and walked over to the dining table and sat down. I got us a nice glass of tea with a hint of lemon inside of it.

"Annabella." Elizabeth whispered trying to get my attention. "Can I ask you something?"

I looked at her facial expression trying to see what she was going to ask, but I got nothing. "Shoot." I said looking at her curiously.

She opened her mouth like she was about to talk. It was like she was hesitant on what she was about to ask. It kind of worried me a little.

"When you broke the glass earlier, you looked like someone just murdered your best friend." she started off, I was left wondering to where this conversation was going, until she continued, "Can I ask what you were so angry about?"

My mind went back to the night when those men attacked us, then went back more in time to where Rylee drowned. I finally got the words to say, "It's a long story."

"You're only saying that because you don't want to say anything." she said flatly looking down at her food that she only took a few bites out of.

I sighed knowing that maybe it would let a stress out of my system if I told someone. Plus, if I told her the story then maybe she would be willing to help me out a little. "A man named Tyler, raped me in this house recently. Nothing happened to him, he got away with it. The thoughts of him doing that to me makes me furious because after that night I feel so vulnerable."

I could feel tears threatening at my eyes as I told her about why I was so angry earlier. Just as I expected, she was left speechless. She had no idea what to say so she just hugged me. It wasn't one of those awkward hugs, it was more of a comforting hug.

"He didn't get arrested?" she asked in a disgusted tone. She sounded as angry as I felt earlier.

"Nope." I mumbled out under my breath.

"If you want, I could help you take care of this guy." she said in an usually calm tone. I knew what she was getting at, but I acted as if I didn't know.

"What do you mean?" I asked in questioning away. Even though I was faking not knowing what she was talking about, I was pretty convincing. I even believed myself for a second.

"You know.. kill the guy." she smiled at the expression of my face.

"You would do that for me?" I smiled back at her. She nodded her head yes and that's when I knew that the plan was going perfectly. More perfect than I expected. At least she wasn't doing this plan against her will.

She got up and walked to the bathroom real quick, when an idea came to mind. She was probably already addicted to the heroin I gave to her earlier. I needed to make sure that she depended on me for the heroin.

I heard her walking out of the bathroom and that's when I put my plan into action. I took out a clean syringe and stuck it into my skin, pretending to inject heroin in my body.

I could hear her walking into the kitchen. She asked in a suspicious tone, "What are you doing?"

I acted as if I got caught redhanded and answered her question sheepishly, "Injecting heroin into my body. It eases the pain from the horrible memories." the way I said it made it seem like it wasn't that bad of a drug.

She looked at me with an emotionless expression. I didn't know what to expect at this point. She walked a little closer to me and asked, "Can I have some?"

Just like a fish, she took the bait. This was going to be easy as pie getting her under my control. In the next few days she was going to be my puppet.

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