Killing Daunte Part 2.

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Part 2 of killing Daunte! Please vote :)

This was written by me as well...... :)

----------------------------> Play the song.


Through the small window I saw Daunte get out of his car with a curious expression on his chiseled face. I narrowed my eyes at him, wishing I could shoot him in the head with one of the many guns we had in our bedroom but that would be too easy…. I wanted to hear his screams.

He didn’t walk towards the front door so I figured he was checking things out. Quickly I ran over to the roller desk and pulled out the tiny dagger and the leather sleeve it was stored in. I glanced at the door to see if he was coming but he was typing on his phone. I stuck it between my breasts, hooking it to my bra. It was so small that it didn’t show through, ‘Better safe than sorry.’ I thought, smiling to myself as I thought about gouging out his eyeballs with the dagger.

Finally he started walking towards the house and I reached over and turned off my oven, I didn’t want my dinner to actually burn while I was busy---taking care of Daunte. There was a knock on the door and my heart started pounding furiously, this was it….I’m finally going to get some closure on my daughter’s death.

I forced my face into a smile and flipped the deadbolt, pulling the door open slowly, wishing I could slam it shut and curl in a ball and cry my eyes out but I didn’t, I grinned seductively at Daunte, fluttering my eyelashes flirtatiously. “Hey Daunte, are you hungry?” I asked, grabbing his large hand in mine and pulling him into the house with a giggle.

His previously cautious look changed to one of lust and hunger, making my stomach turn sour. ‘Thank God I didn’t eat anything or I would be puking all over him.’  Not that I would be embarrassed, but he’d probably freak out and leave….Then again he broke into a house to rape a random women so maybe he wouldn’t leave.

”So baby, how do you want to do this.” Daunte said, pulling me closer to him by my hips. When our bodies pressed against each other’s, it was all I could do to not stab him in the gut and rip out his intestines. But I just giggled and slapped his chest lightly with my hand.

He rubbed his hands up and down my back, trying to turn me on as much as I could feel that he was turned on. The feel of his bulge pressed against my stomach brought back the horrible memories, and I had to bit my lip to keep the tears from pouring down my face.

I pulled him back towards the table reaching behind me with my left hand while stroking his chest with my right. My fingers touched the edge of the bowl just as he brought his lips down onto mine, kissing me roughly.  Bile rose in my throat but I was able to keep it down, ‘You’re doing this for Rylee.’  I assured myself but somewhere inside I felt that there was something very wrong with this situation. But I pushed that feeling down and grasped the already filled syringe in my fingers I pulled back and said softly, “It’s time.”

Daunte raised his eyebrows, “Already? You’re a dirty girl Annabella.”

Anger flashed through me and I wiped my hand out and jabbed the side of the needle into his neck right where his artery was, injecting it completely into his blood stream. He grunted, pulling away from me and clasping his neck with one of his hands.

I backed away from him, knowing it would take a couple minutes for a dose of that size to hopefully knock him out. Anger filled his face and he lunged towards me, hands reaching out for my neck. But it was already affecting him; his attempt was feeble at best. Daunte stumbled past me, groaning in anger and confusion; I smirked and kicked the back of his leg so he collapsed onto the wooden floor directly where he’d raped me three days before.

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