Another Tag

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So hey guys, I have been rarely updating recently, but I saw all of the notifications. And recently (Not really recent...) I have been tagged by @LyraAmaterasu. Not only once but twice, so I feel bad not replying the tag. 

Hehe... Sorry. So here goes.

Btw, I'm not too sure what else to talk about myself so I'll just randomly put something about myself.

Number 1

I am a GIRL. Many people pm me and ask my gender XD It was amazing how people can think I'm a guy instead of a girl.

I thought it was obvious. XD But it was amusing nevertheless.

Number 2

Yes, I do read other thing other than fanfics. It's just that I enjoy fanfics more than original story. I don't really know why. I suppose it gives me the excitement of knowing something different from the original plot or another story base on the said character.

Get it??

Number 3

I suck at knowing english songs nowadays...

Meaning, I wouldn't be able to name or sing along most of the english songs nowadays...


Because I hear Japanese songs more than english songs. Hhaahaha... ha.

Yeah, judge me all you want.

Number 4

Favourite book series? 

Heard of The Fallen Series? By Lauren Kate? I love them the most!! They're my first book series and as well as my most fav book series so far.

And I heard a movie's coming out too... Nice!

Number 5

What else should I tell?

I daydream a lot..... Like a LOT. Seriously... I wasn't sleeping, promise. Because of that I manage to think of many different stories, but mostly about Naruto XD. Cause I love Naruto.

Okay, I suppose that's it for now. Cause I'm not too sure what else to write about. If any of you want to ask anything at all, just ask in the comment, and I'll try to reply as fast as possible.

Once again I'm so sorry for not updating for so long, I'll try my best to update more often. 

Thanks again to @LyraAmaterasu for tagging me to do this. And sorry for the late respond too XD.

okay guys, ciao!

Sasaki_Senna OUT!!!! ^^ 

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