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POV: Jimin
"You have to be on your best guard at all times, my darling," I told Seokjin. "And you know that I'm always there to protect you and be with you... always,"

"Don't make me cry, Jimin," he simply replied, a noticeable tremble in his voice. "I appreciate it... but, I don't know if I still want to live knowing that my own father can kill me at any moment... perhaps, I'd be better off dead, so that all of the hard work is done for him..."

"What?!" my eyes widened, hearing the phrase 'be better off dead' come out of his mouth with such ease, as if it was something that he would say everyday. "What the hell did you just say?!"

"I said, I'd be better off dead!" he snapped, bloodshot eyes glaring at me. "You and I both know that! Do you know how many times I've thought about ending my life?! No! You don't!"

"W-what are you talking about, Seokjin?" I questioned, not having a single clue about what he was saying. "What the fuck do you mean, you've thought about this before?!"

"My dad fucking hates me, and he wishes that I never existed. I'm basically dirt to him, and he seriously couldn't care less about my well-being. What does my mum do about that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing! She just goes along with him and pretends like it's an everyday thing! Now, she's completely out of the picture and has avoided anything to do with me. My dad now decides that he genuinely wants to kill me and I have no fucking idea why! Does it look like I live a happy life?" he screamed, voice going hoarse.

I could tell straightaway that he wasn't joking and needed help.


"Seokjin... baby, please, calm down! Look at your surroundings, listen to the birds peacefully chirping outside. Smell the fresh-baked cookies cooling down... feel your back resting against the sofa! You're okay now, you're okay... I'm here, I'll comfort you..." I whispered, going over to the fragile boy and embracing him tightly. "Shh, baby, I'm here for you... don't worry... I'll always be here for you, no matter what... just, please, tell me everything..."

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