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POV: Jin
"You don't know how fucking sick I am of your bullshit! I don't even wanna call you 'dad' anymore, because you're far from that! I can't believe I'm actually related to a complete and utter psycho like you!"

"Call me a sick fucker for all I care, because I don't give a shit. All I want is for you and your faggot boyfriend to drop dead as soon as possible."

"How many fucking times have I told you to shut the fuck up?! I actually can't believe you're still fucking talking to me! You're a monster! I wish... I wish..."

"You wish for what, son?" he smirked. "Tell me."

"I wish you were dead!" I screamed, as loud as I possibly could. "There, I said it! I wish you were dead from the moment you found out I was gay! It's not a sin, it's not a bad thing at all! I can't help it, dad, what the fuck am I supposed to do?!" I cried out, grabbing onto my shirt tightly. "You know what? I don't care. I'm not going to stand hear and listen to any more of this fucking crap, do you understand me? I'm gonna take my precious Jiminie to the hospital and I'm never gonna see your ugly face ever again!"

"Alright then. As you wish." he rolled his eyes.

I ignored him and gently picked Jimin up, bridal style, but she winced and cried out in pain. The bleeding was easing slowly, but she had still lost a lot of blood.

"Come on, baby. Just hang on for a little longer, okay? You'll be alright in no time, let's just..."

"Woah, woah, woah!" he screamed, pushing me backwards violently. "Did you really think that I gonna let you leave so easily? Oh, please! Nothing will ever go the way you want it to go, son. You two faggots are not going anywhere tonight!"

"Move the fuck out of my way! I don't have the time for this!" I screamed, my voice going dry and hoarse.

"And I care because?" he lifted an eyebrow. "I'll kill you here right fucking now, so don't try and push your luck."

He pulled out his gun again, pointing it straight to my heart, where Jimin was resting her head. This time, I felt way too uneasy.

He wouldn't kill me. He wouldn't.

My 'Boyfriend' Is A Girl | JinMinWhere stories live. Discover now