Chapter 7

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So, Im gonna start naming chappies, guys! Just an fyi. Here I go. (;


[ Liam's POV ]

I am perhaps the dumbest lad in the world.

Wanna know why?

Niall sang "our song" to me, then asked if there was an "us."

And you know what I said?! I said, "there is no us yet." I mean, really?! I am bloody stupid, I wanna punch myself in the face! But that would look weird, and Harry is also in the room. But if I was alone, I would so do it!

So now, Niall and Zayn are somewhere not to be found. Everyone knows that there is hardly a bromace between them, but hardly is still somewhat. And I have no clue what to do. Louis has gone for groceries, so there is no one to get a good laugh at. Niall is upstairs, so theres no one to flirt and cuddle with. And im certainly not doing anything at all with Zayn. And Harry is taken, and is lazy. So what the hell am I to do? Biting my lip, I turned to Harry.

"How are you and Lou doing?" I asked, not really interested at all. I just wanted to make conversation, because awkward silences are unbearable. And I should know.

Harry nodded, a smile forming on my lips. "Good. How are you and Niall?"

I almost choked on my saliva. "What are you talking about?" I snapped. I knew it. It was way too obvious for no one else to catch on. I knew one of these days the boys would have to find out. I just knew it. But dear Lord, why now?!

"You know what Im talking about." Harry winked.

I glared hard at him. "No, actually, I dont. Please explain."

Harry sighed. "Oh, give it up, Liam! Its way too obvious that you two have feelings for each other. Why hide it? Me and Lou arent."

"We arent hiding anything. There is nothing going on between us."

"But you want something to go on, dont you?" Harry winked at me again. This time, he also chuckled, and it drove me absolutely insane.

How could Harry possibly know that Niall and I have feelings for each other? Of course, he is in a gay relationship with Louis, but seriously. I knew me and Niall were obvious, but not that obvious. Unless Harry has super-human feeling-sences, I have not the slightest idea of how he knew. Did Niall tell him? If he did, then thats a whole new story. If he did, that means Niall isnt afraid of hiding me from the world. Which means he really does love me, and is willing to make sacrifices for me. How sweet!

"No!" I punched Harry in the arm. He gripped it in pain and groaned loudely. "Why do you think that, Haz? Whats going through that fat head of yours?"

He groaned once more. "I can just tell. Newsflash, you are the most obvious person I know. You cant hide your feelings at all!"

I glared at him for a good fifteen seconds. Then, I caved. If he knew, then good for him. I can trust Harry, he wouldnt, he wont, tell. I sighed. "Fine, I like him. But thats it. End of story."

Harry practically jumped when I said that. His curls flopped. "That is not the end of the story, Liam! You have to make your move! Strike like a cobra, damnit!"

I giggled. "Harry!" I smiled at him. He had a point. Sort of. "Yes, it is the end. Everything is fine. I am fine. I think we might date, but Im not sure."

"Then get your arse up those steps and do something about it! You are too good of a man to wait! And besides, do you know how handsome you are? No way he could resist you."

I smiled at Harry. "You are right." His cheeks turned the smallest shade of pink as I nodded my agreement. He indeed was right. Too right, actually. It is time to make my move. No more standing in the shadows. No more feeling like shit for things that I could change! I am going up there to tell Niall how I feel, and how I want us to be. And if he truley loved me like it seems, he would except it.

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