Chapter 27

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[ Niall's POV ]

This felt right, being here in Zayn's arms. They felt secure, like they were protecting me. Everything seems so good right now. We finally felt like One Direction again. I love our nights spent together like this, too. Everyone, except for Liam, was here in Louis' flat, just genuinly enjoying each other. Liam isn't here because he had to drop Danielle off at home after her dance rehearsal. Unfortunantly, Danielle and more trampy dancers like her, have been hired to dance at our next gig in Wolverhampton. Or, I should say Danielle is the tramp, and the rest aren't. I sure hope Liam and his bitchbag are having fun..

"Play 'What Makes You Beatiful'!" Harry ordered. I loked up at him and realized that his body was sprawled out over Louis'. Typical.

With a nod, I began playing the first few chords of our first single. I sighed. It was rather relaxing in here. The lights were dimmed, as they normally are in Louis' flat. The fireplace was blazing, the orange flames reflecting off of our warm faces. Vanilla candles rested on the ivory-painted banister, filling our noses with a sweet scent. The coffee-table held a miniature buffet consisting of kettlecorn, hot chocolate, sweets, a few carrots and Twix for Louis and Harry, and five pints of Vanilla-And-Chocolate-Swirl Icecream. Each tub of cold icream had a spoon beside it, except for one. It had a fork. I smiled delightfully at the sight.

I looked around, wondering why I was still playing the guitar. Then it hit me. Liam always starts this song, no matter what. It was his thing. No one else ever dared to sing his part. We all respect each other's solos so much. I sighed, wishing Liam were here. We would be a loud, singing mess if he were here. But he isn't. He's out somewhere, enjoying Danielle's hoe-ish company. Okay, I am being rude.. Stop, Niall. Stop.

As if on cue, the door opened and Liam appeared there, a huge grin plastered on his too-happy-for-words face. I smiled at his unexpected appearance. I noticed that his lips were pinkish. We already settled that he dinfinetely isn't gay, so I assumed it was Danielle's kiss mark. I hope it it...

"Hey, mate!" we all yelled from our seats on the large, plush, couches.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late," Liam said, his deep voice echoeing in my small Irish ears.

"It's fine," Harry said. "but you missed Toy Story."


"Just joking." A smirk, followed by dimples, arose on Harry's face.

Liam tensed up. "Don't joke about my Woody!"

We all laughed out loud at that one. Even me and Zayn. It was just that kind of night. We are all free of worries, stress, or cares, and we just enjoy each other. These are the nights I love the most.

"Why would we ever joke about that thing?!" Louis asked, being his usual dirty-minded self.

Zayn, Harry, and I giggled as Liam placed his jacket on the loveseat. He leaned down, grabbed a handful of popcorn, and shoved it into his open mouth. I smiled.

For the first time in a long time, I could smile. And it's real, not fake.

[ Liam's POV ]

Why is Niall laying on Zayn like that? Why is Zayn stroking Niall's hair like that? Why have they been so close lately? Why, why, why? I tried to keep my dark brown eyes away from them as I sat on the loveseat, but I just couldn't. They looked rather comfortable there...

"I'm proud of us," Harry said unexpectadly.

"Why?" Louis, Zayn, Niall, and I asked back, obviously not knowing what the hell he was talking about.

Harry smiled weakly. "We came up from our darkest times. I mean, look at us." I looked to Niall, Niall looked at Harry, Harry turned to Zayn, Zayn glanced over at Louis, and Louis played with three carrots in his hands. Wow. We are a bunch of weirdos. "We are brothers. Brothers fight, but they love. Ya know?" We all nodded. Harry had a point. "We were able to forgive."

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