Chapter 11

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[ Zayn's POV ]

Great. Just peachy. Im the only single one of the group now. And its December 20th. Christmas is in five days, and our mums and families will be here to celebrate with us. I love my mum and my sisters, but it certainly isnt the best time to come and visit. Once she comes, she wont want to live. And when she finally does leave, she will be in a crying fit. And I dont want her to feel like I never have time for her... Damn, why is life so complicated? Everything was fine until now.

But, truth is, I never wanted to hurt Liam or One Direction. I never meant to kiss Niall. I never meant for Niall and Liam to split, even though they werent technically together. I never wanted any of this to happen. Not in a million years did I expect myself to do that. But I did, I did, I did, and I did. It wasnt supposed to go down like this. Ever. But once again, it did.

And I have never felt so guilty in my entire life.

[ Harry's POV ]

I watched Louis bellyflop onto our large bed with a smile. I guess he is back to normal. I wanted to jump with him, but I couldnt. I sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed. Louis obviously picked up the fact that something was wrong and leaned down to kiss my forehead sweetly. I glanced up at him with a smile then turned my attention to my fiddling hands. Louis sat down beside me slowely, as if it was a life-or-death situation.

"Whats wrong, Hazza?" he asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. He pat it lightly, making me feel much more comfortable.

"Whats gonna happen to Zayn?" I asked without thinking. Great.

"What do you mean?" he asked. He removed his hand from my shoulders and turned to face me. His expression was unlike the one he wore earlier. Louis was much more serious this time.

"Well, now that Liam and Niall are okay, what about him?" I asked again. I reached up and ran my fingers through my hair and looked Louis plainly in the eyes. They were a beautiful shade of blue. Not like mine of Niall's, but different. He smiled, realizing that I was admiring him.

"I think he'll be okay. Want me to go talk to him?" Louis asked me politely. Its like he read my mind.

"Will you?" I asked, full of hope for the first time in a long time.

He nodded. "Oh course. You are my Hazza."

I feel a blush coming on. "And you will forever be my BooBear."

Louis smirked at me then leaned in to kiss my cheek. His minty smell engulfed me, and I liked it. He then turned around and walked out of the door, closing it gently behind him.

I looked down at my hands, thinking. And guess what? Im thinking about Liam, and how he is going to be. I know he will be fine with Niall by his loving side, but what happens now? When we get back to the UK will they announce it publically? Or will they stay on the Down-Low? Either way, I hoped they were fine. A lot of the girls would be crushed because all of us except for Zayn is taken now. But Im sure they will feel a lot better knowing that we are taken with each other.

But a part of me didnt want them to go public. Maybe it was that two of my bromances would end? Or maybe its because I used to have feelings for Liam... But that wasnt possible. I am happy with Louis, and Liam is happy with Niall. So how in the world could I still like Liam?

Exactly. I dont. Take that, concience!

Or...maybe it was the kiss. Yeah, maybe I was just guilty about our kiss that no one except for Louis knew about. I told Louis because I love and respect him. And he understood me, because it was only a friendly kiss and nothing more. Or...was it?

[ Louis's POV ]

I found Zayn sitting on the couch in the living room. The leather couch by the stone fireplace, to be exact. He was watching the snow fall outside of the window. I sat down beside him, and he didnt face me. I nudged him playfully and I small smile spread on his lips.

"Louis, stop." Zayn playfully pushed me and we both smiled. There was a brief pause before he finally spoke again. "Louis, you know I didnt mean for this to happen, right?"

I nodded. "I know, Zayn. Amd Harry knows. And Im pretty sure Niall knows as well... But Liam doesnt know it."

Zayn bit his lip. "Its all because of me. Its all my fault, Lou. I didnt mean to hurt Liam, I honestly didnt. It just happened."

I nodded again. "Well, I guess it is up to you to figure out how to fix it."

Zayn' eyebrows crinkled in confusion. "Huh?"

"Figure it out." I smirked. Zayn just kept on staring at me like I had spoken in a foreign language. Hoping he finally got it, I stood up and walked back upstairs.


So, I cut this chappie in half because I just couldnt wait. So comment, vote, and like.

And what do you think Zayn will do? Oooooh, hahaha.

XOX, Maddie<3

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