The Captive: Chapter One

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I stared at the man in front of me, who had to be only a year older then me but seemed wiser. Wiser in the sense that he just kidnapped and was taking me back to his base. Wiser in the fact that he got me by surprised and knew my only weakness. He lead me by the handcuffs he attached to my wrist to a black SUV, where he forced me into the back sit. I knew why he kidnapped me, I watched as he pushed some of his shaggy dirty blonder hair out of his face as a worried looked past over his face as he dropped in next to me. "Go on, drive us to headquarters." He said in a rough voice as if he was trying to act tougher. I was scared shit less, like I have no idea who this guy works for or what they are going to do to me once we reach "headquarters." The man looked at me with his brown eyes and held out a handkerchief, "I gotta cover your eyes, so when we let you go and can not tell people where you were." He reached over and tied the red colored fabric over my eyes, my current thoughts were not filled with fears. All I was worrying about was if this wanker blew his nose in this handkerchief before he put it on my face. 

The ride seemed to take forever and in that time, I tried to figure out why I was kidnapped. My stepfather was in a gang, but not high enough up where napping me would do any good. My mother was a simple stay at home kind of lady and my sister Gemma was in university, so it could not be their faults. I was quiet in school, only talked when asked a question and I did not hang out with anyone outside of school. I was good looking or so my mother told me, but I think every mother tells her son that. I had curly brown hair, that reminds me of a mop or Shirley Temple, and green eyes that sometimes looked more blue. Girls were always trying to get with me, but not for a relationship they just want to have me to say they did. I never turned a girl down too harshly, plus I did not know any girls that had enough money to hire someone. In the end, I was left inside my head making up scenarios of how the day was going to end. None of them were good, which is why I was glad to have my thought interrupted by my kidnapper. "Mr. Styles, we have arrive at your personal hell. Let me escort you inside." He grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the black SUV causing me to yelp in surprise and pain. He shoved me to a set of steps and lead me up them, he knocked on something, probably a door. Then I was lead forward some more and heard the door shutting, a few more steps and he ripped of the blindfold. I was inside a nicely furnished house, with tiles in the entry way with my kidnapper next to me smirking, like a prick. 

"Can you tell me why you kidnapped me now?" I spat towards him, trying to shake some of my curls off my forehead. I heard a chuckle come from in front of me, I looked up to see a man sliding down the banister of the stairs. He had blue eyes, probably the bluest I had ever seen, and straight brown hair cut to fall in his eyes at one side. I had never seen him before which just added to the mystery of why I was here. 

"You are funny, Curly." The stranger said as he slide off the end of the banister planting his feet softly on the ground. "You did a good job, Liam, I thought you were going to come back without my prize." He smiled kindly at my kidnapper, who seemed to brighten up at his words. "The boys are in the kitchen, Niall went to Nandos." The kidnapper, who was named Liam, bowed at the man and went walking towards what I assumed was the kitchen. "You seriously do not know why you are here?" I shook my head. "You stepfather owes me a lot of money you see and I had to prove I was seriously wanting it back, so here you are." Though his smile seemed kind, it seemed to have this undertone of evil in it. "Let's take you up to your cell, I mean room." He roughly grabbed the handcuffs and started leading me up the stairs, suddenly I wondered why my stepfather had borrowed money from this man. He lead me, to what seemed to be the door up to the attic, and turned the knob. Up a small stair case sat a room with: a bed; dresser; television; a desk; radio; and a few books. It was a rather small area for such a large house, he threw me onto the mattress.

"I know I am a hostage, but couldn't you be a little easier? I am delicate, like a fucking flower." I blurted those words out before a had a chance to stop myself, I sounded like a damn pansy. The man laughed at me, while jumping on the bed and fishing for something in his pocket.

"Listen Harry, I will treat you better if you show me some more respect." He said pulling the key to the handcuffs out and twisting it through the locks. "I am Louis." Louis got off the bed swinging the handcuff around his finger and walking towards the stairs. "Someone will bring you dinner later on, don't do anything I will have to punish you for." With a wink the man was gone and the sound of the lock turning was the only evidence he had been in here. The oddest thing was, that I was not pissed at being kidnapped and I was not upset. It was like a vacation I got to take away from all my problems, like school and family issues. Of course, this meant my grades would slip a little, but as long as I do not die I don't care. I find the remote to the telly and switch it on, deciding to kill time watching cartoons.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know, there is a knock on the door and someone unlocking it. Bounding up the stairs was a boy with two-toned hair and smile dancing on his lips. His hair was bleach blonde on the top and a redish color on the bottom, he was kind of odd. "Ello there, me name is Naill." He said in a heavy Irish accent. "I brought you, your food and thought we could get to know each other." He smiled again while he sat the food down on the desk and sitting on the floor next to the chair. "Louis is not really this mean, but he does what he has to. Ya know, we are all his family and if people do not pay him back, he can't feed us all right." I stood up off the bed rubbing my eyes slightly before going to sit on the chair that was in front of the desk. On the tray of food was two tacos, a pile of rice and what looked like iced tea. I picked up the fork and ate a bite of rice, trying to find out if it was poisoned or not.

"I get what you are saying, I am not mad. I decided to take this imprisonment as a vacation, I don't get those often. Plus other then my family, no one will miss me, I have no friends." I don't know why I told this Niall guy that I have no friends, I think it was because he was being nice to me and seemed honestly nice. He stared up at me with his pale blue eyes, like he did not believe a word I said.

"You are telling me, that you look like that and you have no friends?" Niall asked looking bewildered.

"Why does my looks have to do with anything?" I asked laughing while shoving half a taco in my mouth chewing. Tacos are my favorite food, it's almost like they knew how to make me feel at him in my "cell". 

"I don't know, Mate, but typically when you are good looking people want you be your friend. Even if they don't want to be a serious one, just hoping you good looks will rub off on them." Niall said as he stretched, laying down on the floor, his arms behind his head. He looked oddly comfortable around me already, I was quite jealous of it, I wished I was that way.

"Will I be aloud out of this room?" I asked in a quiet voice, "I won't run, like I said I don't have much to go back too." He looked at me again.

"I can talk to Louis about it, say that I will keep an eye on you." Niall said smiling. "You won't be aloud to leave the estate though, I know that for a fact."

"As long as I do not have to stare at these four walls everyday, I will be fine." I said smiling back at him, it was easy to talk Niall. I had never met someone like that before, I had never met anyone I want to have a conversation with to begin with. This was deffiently going to be an adventure. 

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