The Captive: Chapter Three

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So this chapter is more of a filler one, I think I have kept my love couple a secret, but next chapter you will know! That means fluff fluff fluff! <3 


Two week passed by, no word from my family or news about me on the telly, but I did not care. I had formed a bond with Liam, Zayn and Niall, we spent everyday together. Louis would join in if we were in 'Heaven' but we spent most of our time in my room. I was excited this morning because yesterday, Louis informed everyone that two new members of his lost boys were joining us. Two new boys, he would not tell us why they were moving in with us, just simply that they were. Niall was currently napping on my bed with Liam sitting practically onto of him, with Zayn on the floor in front of the telly. Zayn was was sitting on the blue beanbag chair I named Caroline Flack, which Liam had stolen from 'Heaven' for me as a peace offering. Since he kidnapped me, which even though I had already forgave him, I still liked having Caroline around.

"I am so bored." Liam sighed from my bed and slapping Niall in the face to wake him up.

"You know what we should do, we should have a Harry Potter marathon." I said turning myself to look at Liam, "We could dress up in makeshift costumes and duel with spoons as wands." I was excited now and I was hopping up around. I gave Liam puppy dog eyes and whimpered slightly, I was a little obsessed with Harry Potter.

"Okay, as long as we don't use spoons, they kind of creep me out." I jumped up and fist pumped, while screaming at the top of my lungs. My screamed cause Niall to freak out and fall off my bed half asleep while looking at me.

"Vas happening?" Niall asked looking at me doing my victory dance.

"I am so Harry Potter, we share the same first name after all." I said as I looked at Niall. "We are having a HP marathon and dressing up, you should be my Ron Weasley!" I said looking at Niall, who looked up at me smiling. 

"Just as it so happens, I have two Gryffindor robes in my closet, Harry Potter." Niall said while getting up and waving for me to follow him. "Let's get ready for this party!" Niall and I ran down my staircase and bolted into his room, he dove (Literally mind you.) into his closet coming out with two black pieces of fabric in his hands. I smiled and grabbed one running across the hall to Charlotte and Felicity's room, knocking on their door. I heard the come in and turned the door knob.

"Can you draw a lighten bolt above my right eye? I am being Harry Potter." The girls, having spent almost their whole lives with Louis who can be quiet random, thought nothing of my odd request. Charlotte, or Lottie as I like to call her, beckon me forward with her hand as she pulled out a black pencil. "We are having a marathon and dressing up, you girls want to join in?" I asked as Lottie drew above my right eyebrow, just like I asked her too. It was a short process and as I stood both girls told me, they will be there as soon as they are dressed. I walked out of their room and knocked on the Twin's room, Phoebe opening the door looking at me. 

"Yes, Hazza?" Phoebe asked me, giggling slightly at the lighten bolt that was just drawn on my forehead.

"We are dressing up like characters from Harry Potter, would you two like to be Fred and George Weasley?" I asked knowing Daisy was not far behind Phoebe.

"That is racist, Harry." Daisy piped up from right behind Phoebe, see what I mean, they are like glued to each other. "It is racist to assume, just because we are twins, we would want to be the Weasley twins." I looked at her dumbfound, that was not what racist meant, but I let it slide since they were like nine.  

"So, I will take that as a no?" I let my question run off into the air stepping away from the door slightly.

"We never said that, we will be there in a second." with that Phoebe shut the door loudly and I was again left wondering what went threw their little blonde heads. I turned around to see Niall walking out of his room, with his two toned hair sprayed orange.

"Where did you get orange hair spray so fast?" I asked him, quirking one of my eyebrows slightly higher then the other.

"Who doesn't have orange hair spray laying around?" Niall asked as suddenly all the doors and the hallway opened. I stared at the doors as everyone stuck their hands up in the air and screaming, 'I don't', then shutting their doors again...These people just keep getting weirder, it is like it rubs off on each other. I hope I was not already infected as I rub some invisible dust off the Hogwarts robe I was wearing.

"We should go collect some sticks for everyone, to use as wands." I only added the last part because Niall gave me a questioning look on why we would need sticks. I thought it was obvious, maybe stupidness was a disease in this house along with weirdness. We walked down the steps next to each other, when we saw the front door open to reveal Jay, Louis and the two new boys. Who we all forgot were arriving today, in the mass of our excitement. Jay was the first to notice us, walking down the stairs, causing her to almost double over laughing. She cause the other three to look up at the stair questionable, only to notice Niall and me stepping our feet on the tiled entry way. 

"What are you two doing?" Louis asked us, giggling from what I would assume would be the way were dressed.

"We are having a Harry Potter marathon, Lou!" Niall said smiling brightly. "Everyone is joining in, you all should too!" His heavy irish accent flaring up because of how excited he was. 

"I want to be McGonagall, then be down stairs in a few." Jay said as she jogged up the staircase leading to all the bedrooms.

"We are getting wands, we were going to use spoons, but Spoonhead is afraid of them." I said grabbing Niall's sleeve and pulling him to the door that lead to 'Heaven'. Once we were there, we went out back from the sliding doors and started picking up wand size sticks. Which was hard because most were too short or way too long, though Niall had the grand idea of breaking the long ones. Once we got enough wands for everyone, we walked back into 'Heaven' and found everyone dressed up, sitting on beanbag chairs. "Okay line up and get your wands, state your character." I said, the first to reach me was Lottie with her hair teased out wearing a bathrobe. She said her name was Hermione Granger, while taking a stick off of the pile. Next was the twins, who of course said their names were Fred and George Weasley. Followed by Liam, who said he was Draco Malfoy, causing everyone to boo at him. Liam went as far as to slick his hair back with what had to be a tube of hair gel. Zayn was next, stating he was Cedric Diggory, because everyone remembers the dead guy. Next was Luna Lovegood, which Felicity played off by wearing the weirdest sunglass I have ever seen and a pink jacket. Jay was after her, dressed as McGonagall, she wore this awesome witches hat. The thing worries me though, that she just had that laying around, this family I swear. The two new boys, who I still have not learned their names decided to be Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, the smiled as the took their sticks. That left Louis, who said he was Neville Longbottom, he styled his hair funny and wore those gross fake teeth. I almost died when I saw him, I felt bad for Neville seeing him how Louis did. "That leaves me, Harry Potter and my best mate, Ron Weasley." We took our seats on the floor because there was no beanbag chairs left.

By the end of the movies, I learn the two new boys names. The tall skinny one, with his hair sticking up the front, was Aiden Grimshaw. His friend, was a little short and had a beardy goatee thing going on, his name was Matt Cardle. Our marathon had been a success, everyone was not bored and we all had fun together. As I laid on my bed that night, all I thought about was if my stepfather does pay Louis back, did I want to leave? Would I leave? Could I leave? I felt whole in this weird house, I had friends for the first time in years. When the time came, would they let me go or would they fight for me? Those question were my last thoughts before I drifted in a slumber that held a nightmare, of me getting taken away from the family I have grow to love.


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