The Captive: Chapter Thirteen

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I hope everyone enjoyed angst Harry because I am serious I loved writing it! This chapter is those six days now in Louis's point of view, this should be fun! :)

I whole-heartly swear not to kill Niall off since all of you seemed to care...>.< I told you, LivexLovexLiam, I did not kill Niall. :D

-This chapter is dedicated to Alana because number one I love her and number two she cheered me on while writing this chapter. (Go on her page and spam her with loveeeeeeee! <3)

Alana's cheer while I was writing this chapter:

I'll be your cheerleader ! 






WOOOOOOO!- I seriously love this girl XD

WARNING: In this chapter there with be very harsh language and a slight drug abuse. I am sorry if any of this offends anyone but I feel like it is needed. If anyone is struggling with a drug abuse, I am here if you want to talk about it.

____________<><><><><Louis's P.O.V><><><><>____________

Day Zero (Harry Leaving):

I watched Harry's curly head disappear behind my door, never knowing if he was going to walk through it again but at the moment I had a bigger issue. "Louis, your a fucking twat!" Niall screamed trying to launch himself at me but lucky for me, Liam had a hold on his waist, at this moment I am glad Liam works out so much. "Liam, let me go, I am going to kill that mother fucker! I don't care if he fucking saved me because as far as I know, he just killed me by letting Harry leave..." Naill had tears streaming down his face, he looked like a psychopath trying to get to me and screaming things he did not mean. "He was the only one who never cared, not once, and you let him leave!" Niall somehow busted himself out of Liam grip and walked towards the door, not looking back at us as he threw it open. Only for him to see the car that was carrying Harry was long gone, a new sob fell from his mouth as he sunk to the floor on his knees. Liam walked up to Niall and placed a hand on his shoulder but Niall jerked away from him and stood up. "Don't touch me, Liam, don't touch me ever again." Niall shut the front door and ran up stairs, to either his bedroom or Harry's old one, I shook my head tears falling. I looked at Liam, who stood in front of the door his hands shaking and his bottom lip quivering.

"Liam, are you okay?" I asked my voice breaking and my eyes blurry from the tears.

"Of course he's not okay, Louis, the guy he loves just basically broke up with him!" Zayn shouted at me, I have never been yelled at so much in my entire life, none of us ever fought before. One teenage boy had changed us so much and he sent us all over the edge, into a breaking point.

"Don't yell at Louis, Zayn!" Liam screamed back at Zayn, "It's not his fault Harry had a family, a real one, unlike all of us. It's not his fault that Niall is acting like a child over all of this!" I am sure Liam screamed the last part, trying to get Niall to hear it. "I am  going to stay in Louis's room with him, if you could just bunk with Niall..." Liam sucked in a breath of air trying to keep the tears in, "m-my sheets are clean, haven't been slept in for awhile, Niall and I shared h-his b-bed..." Zayn nodded his head and Liam finally moved from the door walking slowly up the stairs, Zayn and I followed him. Liam opened up the door to my room and climbed into Zayn's bed, not bothering changing for bed, just pulling the covers up over his head. Zayn knocked then opened up Niall's door, Niall was sitting on his bed staring into his closet, he turned and looked like he was going to yell at Liam. Only it wasn't Liam that walked into the room, it was Zayn and that caused new tears to fall down Niall's face, Zayn shut the door. I lean against it trying to hear the conversation inside, it was easy since Niall never learned how to talk quietly.

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