The Captive: Chapter Ten

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On the picture in the side is Sarah (Which is my real, beautiful sister) and Abigail (Who is this adorable child I found on google), I just thought I should show you how cute Abbey is. This chapter is more of a filler one as will the next one after this, hope you still enjoy it. Lots of fluffle and other randomness.


Over the next few weeks Courtney and her little blonde niece, Abigail, have spent a lot of time with us. Courtney quickly became friends with us all and Louis enjoying four year old, Abbey, more then he should. It made me realize that one day, Louis was going to have a lot of children but I think all the people he rescued should have given me a hint. "Curly Harreh!" Abbey said to me while motioning for me to pick her, which I did. Sarah took a lot of University classes and was rarely home, when she was home she had to work. Though today was a rare day when both, Courtney and Sarah, had off and we were going on a mall adventure. I got to leave the estate and go with them, because I was dating Louis. I had to wear a beanie over my curls and 3D glasses with the lens popped out of them. "Where your curls?" While touching her own curls as to show me what she meant as I carried her down to heaven from the entry way.

"They are under my hat, Love." I lifted up the edge of my gray beanie, showing her my stil bouncy curls as I spoke. Abbey had a frown on her face when we reached the last step and I sat her own two feet. She ran to Courtney, tugging impatiently on Courtney's pant leg until Courtney hunched down to her size. Abbey leaned over whispering something into Courtney's ear, that caused her to break out laughing. Courtney reached into the bag, that was causally thrown over her shoulder, pulling out a bundle of red fabric and thrusting it into Abigail's tiny hand. Before my eyes, Abbey pulled a red beanie over top of her blonde curls and turned to smile at me.

"She wanted to look like McCurly." Courtney said chuckling, while patting Abbey on the head, whom was still smiling brightly at me. Niall turned around dramatic and looking at Abbey, his eyes wide and innocent looking.

"I thought you wanted to be like me, since we're both blonde and everything." Niall whined out looking at Abigail causing us all to laugh. I felt arms wrap around my waist and someone placing a tiny kiss behind my right ear.

"She did, until Liam told her you were a fake blonde." Louis said, but quickly chuckling as Niall went to punch Liam in the arm and yelling about taking away the only girl he ever loved.

"Lou-lou!" Abbey squealed running towards Louis, who much to mu distaste, let go of me to grab Abbey and swing her around in the air. Abbey smiled in delight and tucked her little head into Louis's shoulder before she spoke clearly and loudly. "Lou-lou, will you be my daddy? I have never had one before.." Sarah made a loud chocking noise and her eyes watering slightly as she threw a pleading look at Courtney, almost begging her to make Abbey stop. Louis looked at Sarah and Courtney before he answered Abigail very carefully.

"I can't be your daddy, Abs, but I can be here for you when you need me." Louis said while rubbing his nose on Abbey's red hat but he got irritated and pulled it off, sticking his face into her hair. We all ended up at going to a mall not far from the estate, it had a Build-a-bear shop, which we stopped at for Louis and Abbey to make a bear. Abbey made one, named him Lou-lou, dressed him in a striped shirt and red braces. It was adorable, Louis of course named his Abbey and it wore a skirt. They forced Sarah and I to carry the box homes as they skipped around, carrying their bears and acting childish. We pasted by a shop selling  Renaissance costumes and that gave Louis a great idea. "Oh my gosh, the Renaissance fair is in town, we should go tomorrow! As a family!" Louis looked super excited and who were we to say no? Louis, Liam, Jay, Lotte, Fizz, and the twins all had costumes. Zayn had extra tights for everyone, though I wanted to know why Zayn had tights to begin with. Liam had a few peasant shirts, for everyone to wear under their costumes. I decided I was going to be a peasant, wearing one of Liam's shirts and ripping some holes in a pair of tights. I didn't want to be over the top, I never really like dressing up unless it involved Harry Potter or Star Wars. We had to pick up a few new swords, boots and hats. It was going to be interesting, Louis promising to take pictures of me in my tights for Courtney who was turning purple in the face from laughing. We stopped into a Jack Willis store and I spotted a purple hoodie that looked like heaven on steroids. Louis bought it for me and gave it to me, smiling like a little kid still holding his bear.

"Mummy, Aunty Cee-Cee, I am hungry." Abbey whined thirteen stores later and Niall nodded his head, whining along with her. "Lou-lou bear and Ni are hungry too." Courtney smiled picking Abbey up and heading towards the food court, Abbey smiling sheepishly over Courtney's shoulder and stock her tongue out at Niall. So what does Niall do? He throws himself onto Liam's back, sending them both flying on the floor spread out and groaning, Abbey laughing from her spot in Courtney's arms.

"What were you think, Nialler?" Liam asked while blood trickled from his nose, that got smashed into the floor when they fell.

"Abbey was rubbing in the fact she was getting carried and I got jealous, why don't you ever carry me? Hmm?" Niall asked standing up, brushing invisible dust off of his clothing not even caring that Liam's nose was bleeding. I spoke too soon... "Oh my god, Liam..What the hell happened to your nose? Why is it bleeding?" Sarah appeared next to Liam, holding out a wad of napkins, I never even noticed she left. "I am the worse secret boyfriend in the world, first I tell our friends we've had sex and now I am too fat for you to carry." Niall fake whined loudly, causing people to stop and stare at us. Unfortunately, I found this all funny and started laughing, hard causing me to fall on the floor, only to bring more attention to us. Abbey giggled but was very unhappy with the fact we were distracting Courtney from getting her food. I had never had so much fun in my entire life, well there was this one time at a family reunion. Gemma and I were collecting golf balls in a creek, that was located in the park the family reunion was being held in, we were having a compention to see who collect the most golf balls. That was until, both Gemma and I ended up in the water because we slipped on a wet rock. We laughed so much, I barfed in the creek which only grossed out Gemma, but we got in a lot of trouble by our mother. We were grounded and were not aloud to bring our golf ball collection home, all my hard work gone. Louis, who was typically the childish one of us all, was standing next to Courtney shaking his head at our childish acts.

"I can't take you all anywhere, can I?" Louis spoked with a seriously look on his face, but I could see in his blue eyes he wanted to laugh. "Liam, is your nose broken..again?" Liam never told me, he had his nose broken before..I wonder if it was a funny story, knowing Liam it probably was. 

"No, I don't think so." Liam said shaking his head before standing up, "It doesn't hurt like the last time, but then again I don't remember much from that time." Oh, I think I understand, the last time was with his father. I am so glad, my mother diviorced my abusive father when she found out what he was doing to Gemma and I. Gemma, I miss her all of a sudden, she was pretty but I was told I was pretty too. We shared the same facial apperances, only difference is our hair. Mine is more curly then Gemma's and slightly darker. Our eyes were mirrors of each other and most people though we were twins, even though Gemma was two years older then me. We got along, that is until she hit university and decided that being gay was digusting. She still loved me, she told me that, she just didn't want me to be gay anymore which was kind of a low blow if you ask me. "Let's get food." Liam said and as soon as the words left his mouth my stomach rumbled loud.

Warm arms wrapped themselves around my waist after I grabbed my plastic tray off the counter of the random restantuant I picked to eat from, "I thought you weren't going to be affectionate in public, love." I spoked to the man, who had his arms on my waist and I continued walking to the table that had my friends sitting at. I was about to place myself in one of the bright red chair but my captor had a different idea, so I ended up sitting in said person's lap. "Louis, this is awakward for me, let's imagine how our friends feel right now." He chuckled against my neck as I lifted up a chip to his face and putting it in his mouth, I caught Zayn rolling his eyes at us.


As always... VOTE!! COMMENT!! LOVE ME!! me...I feel unloved. :(

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