The Captive: Chapter Five

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Hello my sexy potato peelers! ;) In this chapter I hid One Direction song lyrics, if you find them you may get a part in the next chapter. :D All you have to do is: 1.) Post a comment 2.) In the comment tell me what the song was and what your name is. 3.) You will get the part if you are correct. 


Ever since I had that dirty thought involving Louis, I tried to distance myself from him but that was proving harder then I thought. Since Hannah was no longer coming around, that left Louis hanging out with us more often, though I am sure he is doing it to torture me even if he doesn't know why. Currently we were all spread out all over the floor in "Heaven", I was sitting on the couch while Niall, Liam and Zayn were all in beanbag chairs. When out of no where, Louis comes bounding into the room sitting directly in my lap causing me to gasp. He turns a little to wink at me before looking at the boys playing a game on the Xbox 360, acting as if he were sitting some where other then my lap. I wondered what caused Louis to start acting differently towards me, he couldn't know about my little crush on him because I did not tell a single soul. I was too embarrassed to, I was becoming a walking cliche, like seriously. How many times have I read about a kidnap victim falling in love with their kidnapper? A lot, that's how many but no matter how cliche it was, I still had feelings for Louis now. "God damnit, Niall you're such a twat!" Zayn broke through the silence throwing his control to the ground while glaring at Niall, who in return was smiling cheekily at Zayn. "You are a cheating bastard," I could see Zayn was fuming, soon he was going to say something he would regret. "No wonder why your parents forced you to be a prostitute." With that Zayn stormed off, probably up to Louis' and his room to cool off then apologize for what he said. 

Niall looked up at me wide eyed, he refused to tell me why he came to live with Louis when everyone else did. Liam was the first along with his two older sisters, Nicola and Ruth, their parents were abusive and drunks. Liam was friends with Louis in school, Louis offered them rooms in his large house. Liam had a broken nose, a black eye, a fracture wrist and a crack rib before they decided to leave their parents. They signed over all rights to Jay, so technically Jay was Liam's mother. Zayn's parents are super rich and considered Zayn a burden because he was not as smart as his older brother and a little weird. Zayn would sing to himself when he was upset and his parents put him into psych ward for it, claiming he was talking to himself. The day Zayn turned eighteen he signed himself out and lived on the street for weeks, before Louis found him and offered him a home. Zayn has anger issues now, because of his parents and brother never wondering what happened to him. Lottie tried to kill herself because she got pregnant and her parents decided she was scum, so they knocked her out with Nyquil and just rolled her out of their car. She was found by Louis, on his way home from the grocery store. Felicity's parents heard about Louis' who took in unwanted children and just dropped her off on his doorstep. The twins story makes me sad, their parents loved them both and were best friends with Jay. Their parents died in a car crash caused by an eighteen wheeler, Jay was their guardian. Louis was the savior in most the stories, he was their hero.

Niall had tears running down his cheeks as he stared at me, "Please don't judge me, Harry." He sobbed out standing up. "I never wanted you to know." Niall ran out of the room faster then I thought was humanly possible, Louis sighed and rubbed his face against mine again. Louis moved his head into the crook of my neck, he meant it as a sweet friendly gesture but it caused a spark to run down my spine. 

"Niall does not like people to know about him, he thinks they will not like him because he is dirty and used." Louis whispered against my neck causing goose bumps to rise on my skin. "He will be upstairs, showering in extremely hot water, trying to scrub his skin off. All in hopes that you will  like him again when he is done." Louis climbed off my lap and as soon as he did, I ran to the bathroom and opened the door to see Niall standing there in only his boxers. Streams of tears rolling down his cheeks, I pulled him into a hug and wrap my arms around his waist tightly so he can't move.

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