The Captive: Chapter Twenty

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This is the last chapter of The Captive ever, so sorry! :'( We have come a long way, huh?

_____Harry's P.O.V. (it started in his p.o.v. it shall end in his p.o.v.)___

Ten Years Since The Last Chapter

I stood in the doorway of a plainly decorated as I watched a fourteen year old Abigial, tie Louis's tie before brushing some invisible lint off his suit jacket. Abbey had grown up into a beautiful girl, her blonde hair still as curly as it was when she was four and her green eyes, make mine run for the money. She still thinks of Louis as her father, even though she knows that he's not, she makes him go to parent teacher conferences and it's adorable. Suddenly something came barreling into my legs and I see my three year old daughter, Darcy, smiling brightly at me with her blue eyes. I picked her up and walked over to Louis, who was nervously standing in front of a mirror, checking over his outfit. "Lou, were you this nervous on the day of our civil union?" I spoke, scaring him, but he turned around to Darcy and I with a nervous grin.

"I was nervous then but this is my best friend's big day, I don't want to disappoint him, he means the world to him." Louis said looking down at his shoes for any dirt, which he knew would not be there, since they are brand new TOMS he bought for this day. "What if I mess this day up for Liam? I could ruin the best day of his life!" I giggled slightly at his mini freak out, smiling and kissing him on the cheek.

"This is my best friend's big day too, I know I won't disappoint him because I am here. Love, Liam loves you...So stop stressing, your going to upset Darcy then we'll have a screaming baby on top of...." I didn't get too finish as a long blonde head tilted itself into the door way.

"Abbey, I need you Niall is..Oh Harry, good you come too, Niall is freaking out." Sarah's voice said to my anxiously, over the ten years she had changed a lot. First, her two-toned hair was no more, she now just had blonde hair. Secondly, all of her piercing were gone and she was pregnant with a new baby. A new baby that will have the last name Malik tacked on to the end of it, that's right Sarah and Zayn are married! It happened about two years ago and they are obviously happy about welcoming the new baby, Abbey a little jealous but happy too. I handed Darcy to Louis and walked with the two women down the hallway to a blue door. I saw a man with blonde hair styled slightly spiky and a frown on his face, while he was wearing a tux.

"Oh Harry!" The man spoke in an Irish accent as he threw himself at me. "I don't think I can do this mate, I feel like my stomach is eating itself...AND I KNOW WHAT EATING FEELS LIKE!"

"Niall, calm down, you love Liam." I spoke to him in a soft voice and I stayed calm, that was the only way I was going to be able to help him. "You know you love Liam, you have nothing to worry about, all you have to do is walk down that aisle and tell the whole place." Niall was nodding his head, though I am sure he was not hearing a word, he was too much into a panic attack. I did the only thing I could think of and slapped him in the face, rather hardly too. "Now calm the fuck down, you Irish potato, don't make me get Courtney in here." He was rubbing his face, where I had slapped him and was glaring at me.

"You just slapped me, ON MY WEDDING DAY!" He screamed at me, loud enough I was sure Liam could hear it from where he was on the other side of the building.

"Grow up Niall, this is your civil union, not your wedding day." I pointed out with a cheeky grin as I sat down on one of the many chairs in the room. "Sarah is your aunt ready yet? She is the one all of us are still waiting for." Sarah shrugged and left the room, either going to look for Courtney or to go back to Louis, who she was very attached with since her mother got pregnant. "Do you know she asked Louis, if she could move in with us for College?" I asked Sarah, giving her fair warning that her daughter planned on moving out. "Louis told her, that she had to talk to you about it first, but that we were all for it."

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