The Captive: Chapter Eighteen

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So NEW CHAPTER! But it is a filler, I want to work really hard on the civil union chapter, get ready!


This Chapter is dedicated to my little sister, Sarah, because she is my muse and always makes me happy. The best person in my life, who loves me and supports me through my writings of the boyxboy variety.

Also go check out my two one-shots, both Larry, OCEAN AVENUE and SIGN LANGUAGE LOVE!


____Sarah's P.O.V____

Courtney and I were waist deep in plans for Harry and Louis's civil union, the whole time though I wondered if I would ever have a wedding, at one point I would have said yes. Not many people want to date me because of Abigail but that is their fault to be honest, she is perfect and they just can't get over not much sexy time. Abbey had to be my life, my world, because she was a reminder of how something good can come out of a bad situation. Abbey was the silver lining in the dark cloud, that use to be my life and I think it is time for people to know my story.

-----Flashback Four and Half years----

I walked through the hallways next to Courtney, who guarded me like it was her primary job, people staring at the noticeable bulge in my belly. I was five months pregnant and it was April, meaning I had three months of school to survive through before getting a break and delivering my baby. We were heading to the guidance counselors office, needing a pass to leave early for a doctor's appointment, but I did not want to go into his office. Mr. Cowell was good at his job, he truly cared about students and always wanted to help them no matter what the cost. That's what made me fall in love with Simon, the fact that he cared about me when I thought Courtney was the only one, how far could being best friends with your sister really take you. That's why I had sex with him, multiple times in fact, up until I found out I was pregnant. Now Mr. Cowell looks at me with hatred in his eyes, but I should be the one hating him, he is not the one that everyone is calling a slut. I never told anyone who the father was and I probably never will, he wants nothing to do with our baby...our baby girl, only Courtney cares, like always. He said he wanted to marry me and that I meant something to him, then the second he finds out I am pregnant I get ditched like a dead hooker on the side of the road. "Mr. Cowell, it's Sarah and me, we need a pass to get out early." Courtney said knocking on his door before walking in, I followed quietly behind her, gripping on the back of her school blazer not meeting his eyes.

"Yes, come in, how is everything? The baby doing good? Have you found adoptive parents yet?" Mr. Cowell asked, I could feel his stare on me, I tighten my grip on Courtney's blazer.

"We're keeping the baby, Sarah wants to so that's what we are doing," Courtney spoke, to the man who was ruining my life and her voice never shook. "We have an apartment and I have a job, I just won't be going to University next year like I planned on but Sarah is more important."

"It's a shame you are ruining your life Courtney, over a little mistake that can be fixed very easily." Mr. Cowell spoke, I wanted to punch him in the face, this was his baby and he wanted me to just throw it away like a piece of trash. Before I knew it tears were streaming down my face, his life was going to be wonderful. Simon was going to marry a nice women, visit his parents and her's on the holidays, raise a beautiful family. Courtney and I, we were going to scrap through life, raising a baby together as sisters should not be. Never seeing our parents because they kicked me out after I told them I was pregnant, claiming they only had one daughter then and it was Courtney. Courtney's life was hard because of me, she could have stayed at our parent's house, she could have gone to Uni in the fall like she always dreamed of. She could have been a drama teacher or an English teacher, she was smart enough to do anything but the moment my parents disowned me...She disowned them. She turned towards them, glaring at them and told them she was not there daughter if they could not help me. Courtney grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house, into her beat up car she had bought with her own money and drove away. Simon had a life still and yet he was trying to continue ruining mine.

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