The Captive: Chapter Sixteen

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Hello there, marry me? I am kidding, unless you want to then I am game! ;) On with the chapter then loves! 

By the way, I started a new Larry Stylinson story because this one is almost done, it's called Creatively Me. :D

__________________Harry's P.O.V__________________________

I woke Louis up early the next morning, excited about searching for our newest family member and meeting Courtney's current girlfriend. I ate my breakfast as fast as I could, trying to hurry Louis along because I really wanted to look at the puppies. No one was up yet, so we could not be loud but we didn't have to censor ourselces. I was boring us some cereal, fruit loops, into bowls and Louis had his arms wrapped around my waist. Courtney and her gang would not be here until later because apparently her girlfriend is still in school, SHE IS ROBBING THE CRADDLE! Louis started kissing my neck, making me miss the bowl with the milk and spilling some of it on the counter. "Louis, stop your making me spill milk all over the counter!" I whined out at him, I felt him smile against my neck as he pulled away.

"I know a better place you can spill your milk, Harry." I turned around to give him a confused look and I watched him shake his arse at me on his way to the table, I do not think I have blushed so much in my entire life. I did not Louis had a dirty bone in his body, but I guess I was proven wrong as I walked the bowls over to him. We sat at the table holding mild conversation and before long I could not sit still, so I dragged him out to one of the SUV's. I hopped up and down until he unlocked the door, it seemed to take us forever until we reached a wooden building. "Harry, slow down, the puppies are not going to go anywhere." Louis said to me as I jumped out of the car once we pulled up to the dog kennel, I grabbed Louis's hand and pulled him into the door. One step in the door, I found of puppy, well puppies because there was two of them. They were two borer collie puppies, one had more black on it then the other and they were leaning on each other. They were adorable, I leaned down and stuck my head out to them. The one with the most black had on a blue collar and the first to lick my hand, causing me to giggle. The one with the blue collar then walked over to Louis, who at this point was sitting on the floor and sat on his lap. The one with the pink collar walked slowly around to me, her tail slightly in between her legs as she sat in front of me. I wanted them, so I voiced this to Louis who agreed and got up to start the paper work. I hope when we get ready to adopt in the future, we don't walk in and pick the first baby we see, awkward...

It turned out the one with a blue collar was a boy, go figure right, so Louis named him Ted. Leave it to my boyfriend to pick such a normal name for a tiny, adorable puppy. The one with the pink collar was a girl and I decided to name her Sadie, it seemed to fit. Before we were allowed to leave the lady who runs the place gave us a brochure  on Border Collie. Explained that they have a lot of energy, like to play and have a natural herding abilities. The lady then instructed us on the eating habits of Border Collies and helpful tips on how to continue having them house broken. I shook her hand and picked Sadie up, walking out to the SUV. "You know, Harry, we were only going to look at puppies today and now we are coming home with two of them." Louis put Ted in the trunk part as I did Sadie and when he shut it, I pushed him up against it. I laced my fingers with his above his head, before I leaned down and smashed our lips together in a less then innocent snog. 

"This is the beginning of us starting our life together." I whispered against Louis's lips before pulling away and placing a sweet peck on his lips. "I love you, Lou." He responded that he loved me too, we started our new adventure to pick up puppy supplies. Which brought us to a normal pet store, where we picked up: puppy food, bowls (not that we did not already have a lot of cereal bowls), two puppy cages (The lady's suggestion until they got use to our house), and leashes. I was so happy for the girls to see the puppies, that were going to be happier then me, which was pretty close to impossible. Almost as impossible as nailing jelly to a tree, but then if I froze the jelly it would be solid. Maybe nailing jelly to a tree was not as impossible as I thought, I will need a new metaphor. We pulled up to the house and unloaded the puppy supplies first, then went out and grabbed our newest addition to the house. The girls and Jay were in the kitchen eating breakfast as Louis walked in, telling them that we have a surprise for them to see. I walked in both Sadie and Ted falling into step next to me, the girls squealed launching themselves at the puppies. "The girl is Sadie and the boy is Ted, they are Louis and mine children!" I said excitedly at the girls, who were cooing at the puppies and talking to them in funny voices. I heard someone shifting down the stairs and Niall walked in rubbing his eyes, trying to grab some food from Jay. Not noticing the puppies until Ted went up and licked his bare ankle, since Niall was wearing shorts. 

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