The Captive: Chapter Nine

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So... ARE YOU GUYS EXCITED FOR THE DATE?!?! I know I am and I wrote it! ;)

In this chapter I also added two..kind of three, new characters who will be peremant through the end of the story. At the end of this chapter, I am going to do a character chart, that way you can keep characters straight (Louis: Or Gay! ;) )

Also, I am going to do a character ask. You pick your character and ask them a question, I will have the character answer you back. There is no limit how many questions you can ask, just have fun asking dirty little secerts about their lives. XD


 I woke up extremely warm and happy, I opened my eyes slowly and saw blue eyes staring back into my green eyes. Louis's hair was wild from sleep and I am guessing mine looked just as crazy, maybe even worse knowing my curls. Louis had this sleepy grin on indicating, he had not been awake long. "Did you sleep okay last night, Boo?" I asked him, pulling him closer with the arm that was throw around his slim waist. 

"Of course I did, Haz, I slept with you." Louis nuzzled his head into my neck as he spoke, we did indeed sleep together last night but nothing sexual. Everyone left the house last night because today was Louis's big first date plans and they would not be back until late tomorrow. Louis, apparently, has not slept alone in a room since Liam came to live with him so we spent the night together. Just cuddling and kissing, until we both drifted off to sleep, still holding each other. It still amazed me how connected I feel with Louis, how it feels like we have been together years instead of weeks. How every time I am with him, I just want to kiss him and tell him I love him. We haven't said I love you yet, but when we do I will truly mean it. All my years of being lonely and misunderstood, seem like nothing now that I found Louis or well since Liam brought me to Louis. "Staring is not polite, Harry." Louis said in a soft voice as his took one of his hands to cradle my cheek, before he leaned over and brushed his lips lightly to mine. Not making it a long kiss because we both had morning breath and we were sure it would taste gross, no matter how much we both wanted it. "I have to go start getting ready for our date." Loujis stretched and climbed out of my bed, pulling on a pair of random trousers that were on the floor. "You, my dear, are allowed to shower and get dress but you are not allowed to leave this room." I started to pout, I didn't want to be locked in my room while Louis got our date organized, it seemed unfair. "Harry, it's a surprise, don't ruin this for us." I sat up and pulled him close for another quick kiss, this time our bare chest rubbing slightly together. 

"I'll miss you, Lou." I whispered against his lips before I completely pulled away, letting him walked down my stairs and out of my sight. I hoped more then anything, I would not have to wait long after my shower because I am sure I would go crazy...No, I knew I would go crazy. 

I was showered and dress in a casual formal fashion, not knowing what Louis was planning, watching the telly on Caroline Flack. Bored out of my mind, waiting for my stupid boyfriend to show up and take me on our first date. Louis wasn't really stupid, I was just so bored. Usually there would be other people in my room to keep me company until Louis would decide to grace me with his presence, but he had to kick all of them out for our special day. My ear perked up when I heard a knock on my door and a girl with two toned hair, like Niall's only her red was ketchup red. "Hello Mr. Styles, I am here to escort you to your table." She spoke very politely but I couldn't help to think that outside of the job she was rude, though I only think that because of her eyebrow and nose being pierced. "My name is Sarah and I will be your servant for the next day." A girl with long black hair, chuckled from where she was standing holding a tray and Sarah threw her a glare. "Your waitress tonight is Courtney and she is willing to get you a different drink, but you get water to begin with and your date should be arriving soon." I was standing outside on the patio, that was decorated with twinkle lights, candles and rose petals, it was truly beautiful. It was breath taking and all I could think about was, Louis Tomlinson planned all this. 

The Captive (One Direction boyxboy/slash FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now