The Captive: Chapter Two

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The next day I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door, I mumbled a come in and threw a pillow over my head. The foot steps coming up my tiny staircase were enough to make me not be able to go back to sleep like I would have liked. I moved a pillow a little to see Niall setting my tray on the desk, "What time is it?" I asked him in my gruffly morning voice. Niall looked at me and sent me a smile.

"It is eight in the morning, Mate." I opened and closed my mouth a few times, why in bloody hell is anyone up this early? "I thought I would wake you up early and give you a tour of the estate, since Louie said your aloud to leave your room." I smiled and sat up stretching, allowing the blanket to drop to around my waist in a puddle. I slipped out of bed and sitting on the chair looking at the bowl of cereal in front of me. 

"Fruit Loops, really Niall?" I said chuckling, while watch him going to sit on the edge of my bed shrugging. I ate the cereal quickly, then I pulled on some of the clothes that were inside the dresser. Having Niall told me that they were my size, Louis does his homework before he kidnaps someone. Once I was dressed Niall lead me down the stairs, opening the door and standing in the hallway. 

"These are all the bedrooms and bathrooms, that one there is mine and Liam's room." He pointed to a green door that had a N and L painted on it. "That one there is Louis' and Zayn's." It was a black door with the words 'Vas Happening' painted on it. "Then there is Charlotte and Felicity's room, it is the one with Justin Beiber on it." I nodded while chuckling slightly. "Then the twins room, I would stand clear of there if you don't like playing barbies and singing." The door was painted pink, so I assume they are girls too. "The twins names are Phoebe and Diasy, cute girls I promise. That door is Nicola and Ruth's old room, they don't live here anymore." The door was white, as if it was wiped clean from what was inside at one time. "They got married and went to University." I wonder why their door was painted white when they left, almost like they were never here. "That last door is Jay's room, she is like all of our mother. Biologically Jay is only Louis's mother, but she treats all of us the same." He started walking down the main staircase and down onto the tiled floor by the front door. he turned to the right and walked into a huge room with a couch and a few chairs, "This is where Louis does all his bussiness, he calls it a foyer." Niall chuckled a little and turned around back to the tiled entrance and walked forward into another with a dinning table and he lead me through another door into what was the kitchen. "That room was the dinning room and this is of course the kitchen, pretty normal stuff in here." I chuckled and leaned my elbows on the counter.

"This is a pretty boring tour Niall, so far you have not showed me anything fun." Niall turned and glared at me.

"We have not gotten to the fun stuff yet!" He said as if he was huffing in anger. He then showed me a door off the kitchen, he opened it and started walking down the steps. "The fun starts here." He said simply as were took a turn and in front of me sat heaven. It was a room full of beanbag chair (every color), a soft looking couch, a huge telly, every game system you could think of and a hot tub. 

"Is this heaven?" I asked stunned as a loud laugh came from behind Niall and me. I turn to see Louis laughing and holding his stomach, I slightly glare at him.

"This is what your heaven looks like? Beanbag chair and video games?" Louis said in between laughs. "My would be full of carrots, people I loved, and hot virgins, NOT BEANBAG CHAIRS!" I watched him double over in laughter, I still not seeing what is so funny, until I hear Niall start laughing causing me to blush.

"So, I think small, what is so wrong with that? I happen to like beanbag chairs, I plan on marrying one, that blue one to be exact." I said pointing at a random blue one and sitting on it.

"Well...We can tell which one is on the bottom." Niall said jokingly as he offered Louis a hand up, "I was just showing him around, we  were just about to go out back. Want to join Louis?" Louis shook his head slightly, gesturing towards the swimming trunks he was wearing.

The Captive (One Direction boyxboy/slash FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now