The Captive: Chapter Four.

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I laid on my bed waiting for Niall to bring me up my lunch, he must be running late because he is usually up here already. I was reading another random book, that was in my room, just out of pure boredom when I finally heard my door opening. A smile slowly started to spread across my face as I thought I was about to spend time with my best friend, only to see the body walking up the steps was Louis. Louis and I have not spent much time together because Hannah has been coming over more often then before and I could not stand her. She was constantly trying to convince me to have a "quickie" with her, I had to tell her a hundred times that I was gay. So, I just started following Niall's lead by vanishing whenever she comes around, but that does not stop her from trying to sneak into my room when no one was looking. She really gets on my nerves, I can not understand why Louis would want to stay around her.

"Are you going to eat or continue to stare at me like a piece of meat?" Louis pulled me out of my thought, I didn't even notice I was staring until he pointed it out. I blushed a little and mumbled a sorry before sitting in front of my food. I looked at the messily made sandwich with a pile of crisp next to it. I looked over at Louis quickly to find him relaxing on my bed looking through the pages of the book I was reading. 

"Louis, what do you like in a girl?" I asked him still trying to figure out why he would be interested in a bimbo, like Hannah. He looked thoughtful for a long time before he finally answered me.

"I like a girl who eats carrots." His voice held a serious note, that I could not tell if he was kidding or not. So, I let out a faint chuckle, hopping that he was joking. 

"That's all you look for? You must fall in love with a bunch of girls then, huh Mate?" I chuckled again while popping a crisp into my mouth. " I would say, for myself, they would have to be funny, a good personality, and a nice smile."

"What's wrong with liking people who eats carrots? They have better eyesight." Louis says almost defensively. "For your information, I fall for lots of girls and guys." He darted his tongue out at me. I was getting ready to take a bite of sandwich when his words slowly started to seep in, he was bisexual. The sandwich dropped from my hands and back onto the plate as I turned to look at him wide eyed, he must have realized I understood what he said because his eyes widen. "Shit, I am sorry is that awkward for you?" He was apologizing to me, I let out a tiny laugh.

"It is not awkward, I am gay Louis, you just did not strike me as being bisexual." I let out another laugh. "I guess my gaydar doesn't work right." I gave him a lopsided smile, letting only one of my dimples show. I picked back up the sandwich and ate in silence, not wanting to insert my foot into my mouth again. Louis continued to flip through the book, stealing glances at me when he thought I was not looking and it got on my nerves. "Louis, just ask me what it on your mind already."

"Your gay, like full out of the closet, gay gay?" I chuckled at him, looking at him as he sat the book down on the bed sitting up.

"I thought that was obvious when I said gay, Louis." Winking at him, smiling at his still confused face. "Yes, Louis, I only like men."

"But you named your beanbag chair, Caroline Flack, said you were going to marry it." Louis had his eyebrow quirked up. It took me a full half an hour, to explain to him and prove I was in fact gay. During that time, since I brought up that I told Niall, Zayn, and Liam, Louis told me that they were helping Aiden and Matt move completely in. Matt and Aiden, told us the other day why they were here and it was because they are together. Like dating, but for them it is more serious then dating, they are like imprinted on each other. Matt and Aiden have been hanging out with the boys and me, Jay has taken to calling me Robin Hood and they are my merry men. In return, I have been calling Louis "Peter Pan" when talking to Jay since I am Robin Hood. "I am bored, the boys should be back in like an hour or so, let's go play some football?" I looked at him and shrugged my shoulder.

"I have to change, go grab a play I will meet you out back." He got up and jogged down the stairs. I pulled on a pair of grey joggers, pulling up the bottoms to about the middle of my leg, and a purple Jack Wills jumper. I ran down the steps and wrenching open my door, hurrying as fast as I could outside. I spotted Louis kicking the ball around, wearing a pair of red joggers and a random striped shirt. I ran as quick as I could, kicking the ball out from under Louis' feet, side stepping and twirling behind him to retrieve the ball. I took the ball with my left foot rolling the ball up onto my right foot, kicking it up to bounce it from knee to knee. Before hitting the ball really hard against my left knee, so I could bounce it against my head a few times letting fall and rolling off my chest. The ball softly hit the grass as I kicked it back to Louis, smirking slightly and in a smug voice I said, "I played football for a couple years in school."

We continued to kick the ball around and were joined shortly by the boys. "You never play football with me, Curly, you always sit and watch!" Zayn whined at me as he ran up to us with the other four followed him.  I laughed and kicked the play at him, which caused us to break up into teams. 

I ended up in my bed, panting heavily looking at Aiden who was currently curled up next to me, breathing just as heavily as me. Matt was in my shower because the other boys were fighting to use the other two showers. I heard the water turn off so I started moaning and screaming, "Aiden, stop! Don't touch me there, I just hear the water turn off!" I moaned in between pauses and Aiden started started joining in.

"Harry, stop being so loud, babe." Aiden said groaning a little at the end. "Matt will not hear us." Matt threw my bathroom door open and stomped out, his face red when he noticed us laying on my bed laughing. He unclenched his fist and started laughing with us.

"That was a good one, Haz." Matt said sitting down on Caroline Flack, Aiden hoped off the bed running to claim the shower next. I turned on my back and looked up at my ceiling, my thoughts going toward Louis and the day we spent together. It was normal, a little bit of flirty on both of our behalves and best of all no bimbo anywhere. I laid there and thought about his eyes, they were so blue that they pulled me in like an ocean. They were never the same color though, always changing like his emotions. Then my thoughts took a turn for the worse, when I imagined how his eyes would be like looking up at me from polishing my knob. A blush started to spread across my face as Matt jumped up and banged on the bathroom door. "Aiden, our little Harry just had a perverted thought, I am going to tell everyone!" I hopped up and ran after Matt as he jogged down my stairs, screaming getting everyone attention as he busted through the door. "HARRY'S MIND WAS IN THE GUTTER, GUY!" I hopped on his back wrapping my legs tightly around his waist, covering his mouth with my hands. 

"He is lying, no one pay attention, go back to your everyday lives." I said as Matt spun around trying to get me to fall off his back. Everyone in the hallway was laughing, Niall grabbed a hold of me and yanked me off of Matt's back. Zayn slapped me on the shoulder congratulating me and asking who the lucky guy was. "No one, it was no one! Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Help me!" I screamed as I ran to her door banging on it, trying to escape from everyone questioning me. Once I was inside her room, I slide down the door holding it shut. "Thanks Jay, they were asking me questions I did not want to answer." I looked up to see Louis smiling at me, with only a towel wrapped loosely over his waist. 

"My mum took the girls on a mini vacation, she has not been here all day, silly Harry." Louis said as he turned his back to me, letting his towel drop as he pulled on a pair of red boxer briefs. I stared at him wide eyed, he had such a feminine arse, all bubbly and gorgeous. I continued to stare as he pulled a clean pair of joggers, "Who were your dirty thoughts about?" His voice brought me out of my ogling him, I blushed and muttered a nothing as I walked out the door. Aiden had left my room, so I went up showered and then went to bed. Ignoring everyone knocking on my door, as I drifted off into a dream land involving Louis and I. 


Some fluffly moments between Louis and Harry! Harry just started feeling attracted to Lou, oh no! ;)


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