The Captive: Chapter Nineteen

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The long awaited CIVIL UNION CHAPTER, which has drama, fluff and 1D song lyrics in it! This is not the last chapter; there will be one more that will act as an epilogue. The only story I will be writing then will be Creatively Me, plus a long list of One Shots that I have written out. J <3

Dedicated to all the fans that have read and supported this story along the way!

______________Harry’s P.O.V__________

            The backyard was divided into two parts, one part had a huge white tent and the other had rows of chairs. Everything was decorated in Christmas lights, candles, and rainbow everything from: the cake, to the table clothes, to the aisle runner and the chair covers. I looked as Sarah slipped Abbey into her flower girl dress, before curling her hair and adding some make-up. Courtney was tying my bow tie, the finishing touches of my outfit before both her and Sarah put on their dress and finished their make-up. Their bouquets made of fake rainbow flowers sat on my bed as they pulled up their dresses, Abbey playing with one of the ruffles of her dress. Once Courtney zipped up Sarah’s dress and fixed her own hair, we were walking out the room the bouquets securely in their hands. Once we were walking out the sliding doors, the song All You Need is Love started play while Abbey started to toss different color silk rose petals on the rainbow aisle runner. Sarah headed down after Abbey, smiling brightly at the cameras that were snapping photos with Courtney following behind her. I followed after them, everyone gasping at my outfit and I watched Louis smiling brightly at me. Everyone sat down sitting comfortably as Louis pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket.

“Harry, you know I’ve always got your back, so let me be the one you come running too. It’s just a fact that you just got to call my name and I’ll be coming to you. On the other side of the world, I’ll be there in two minutes. It’s just something that you do; it’s everything about you, everything that you do. From the way that we touch to the way that you kiss on me. The way you make me feel new, like every part is just us two and there’s nothing I cannot do, because I love you Haz. You mean the absolute world to me and I know that will never change.” Louis spoke into the microphone, which a man in the middle was holding because he was like the announcer of our union. Tears were streaming down my face as Louis continued to speak. “That is why I asked you to be my civil partner until we are aloud to marry each other, because I will never stop loving you.”

“From the moment I met you, everything changed; I knew that I had to get you. Whatever the pain, I had to take you and make you mine. I would walk through the desert, I would walk down the aisle and I would swim all the oceans. Just to see you smile, whatever I takes is fine because I want every piece of your heart. Though I know I already have every part of your heart because you have all of mine, you are special Lou, not just to me. You help so many people and I am going to thank God everyday, because I get to spend it with you and our family.” I smiled as Louis started crying, so where Liam, Niall and Zayn: all of whom were standing next to him. “You are going to change the world one of these days, Boo Bear, and I am going to be lucky enough to stand next to you while you do it.” I finished and pulled away from the microphone as Louis whistles, Sadie and Ted came trotting down the aisle. Sadie walked over to me and sat, as Ted did the same with Louis, we bent over and untied the rings from their collars. They were simply gold bands that were inscribed with the words, “Together Forever, L&H”, we slipped them on to each others ring finger. The man holding the microphone announced us as civil partners and we kissed to the people clapping at us.

“I love you, Harry, forever and a day.” Lou said as he grabbed my hand and leading to the tent where our reception was taking place, Courtney already standing by the one side where Louis and I were headed. We had to greet a whole lot of people which was okay until Robin’s sister showed up, carting behind her a tall man with dark hair. Courtney, Louis and Sarah all tensed at the sight of him, I smiled at my aunt and hugged her, before shaking her apparent step-son’s hand. He moved to stand in front of Louis, smirking slightly at Sarah with an evil glint in his eyes and Louis punched him square in the face. “You’re a sick fuck, Simon.” Louis screamed at him before launching himself at the dark haired man, Simon was the name of Abbey’s…oh shit. I heard everyone gasp as Louis continued to punch Simon in the face; I pulled at Louis’s arms making him stop. Abbey who had been staring at the cake, ran over to Louis to make sure he was okay, she check every part of his face before she let him get up.

“Oh aren’t you a cutie, just like your mother.” Simon said to Abbey, who was quickly scooped up into Sarah’s arms as she stared at Simon, Sarah not knowing what to think. “You haven’t changed much Sarah, still as hot as every even with a four year old.”

“Stop talking to her, you bastard, you are not welcome here.” Courtney growled out at him, clenching her hands into fist as Alana tried to calm her down.

“I am allowed to be where ever I want to be, I am a British citizen, sorry love.” Simon said, not noticing the tall buff name that stood behind him, grabbing his arms roughly. The man who was now escorting Simon of the property, was named Paul, he was a very old friend of Louis’s from an old job. Simon was kicking and yelling, Abbey had to bury her face in Sarah’s shoulder, much like Sarah used to do with Courtney.

“Now, LET’S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!” I yelled breaking the tension that has settled across the crowd, Zayn who was playing DJ Malik began dropping tracks and people started dancing. Louis and I decided not to have a first dance, it was way too girly for us, but he was insisting on the shoveling of cake into each other’s face. Louis and I were dancing to the song, Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars, as was Alana and Courtney. Soon we all sat and ate our dinner, which was a buffet style, requested by none other than Niall. Smiling as we fed each other with lots of people watching, making Courtney and Liam gag at our cuteness. Soon it was time for Courtney and Liam’s speeches; they went a little something like this:

Courtney’s Speech: Dear ladies and gentleman, I am making this speech on behalf of the flaming homosexual, I call my best friend. It is funny, seeing as how I have only known him for a short amount of time, part of that being when he danced naked along with Britney Spears and The Jonas Brothers…He is burning up, burning up, you Lou baby. See what I did there? I took JoBro lyrics and…whoa, tough crowd right hiz ear, I mean seriously. Anyway, Harry and I are best friends, we just connected and I am glad. I mean why wouldn’t I be? Look at his curly dark hair and green eyes, plus HE DANCES AROUND NAKED! But on a serious note, I am so happy for Harry and his lovely life with Lou-lou, because they make each other complete. What more does any one want in life?

Liam’s Speech: Louis and I have been friends for years; he saved me from one of the most horrible men in the world, my father. Louis became my savoir, also saving Niall and Zayn, along with Lottie and Fizz. We all needed Lou, in different ways: a father, a brother, a best friend or even just a stranger at first. Louis spends his life, trying to make other’s so much better, never once thinking about himself or what he wants in life. Harry is the first thing, Louis was ever selfish about and it is a wonderful change of the normal. Harry makes Louis silly, happy, giddy like a school girl, but most of all, he allows Lou to be himself. Louis has always cared about other’s his entire life, his mother, random stray animals, even stray people. Now he has a reason to live without giving up a room in his house, he now has love that is pure and whole. He is my best friends, always will be until the day that one of us takes our last breath because we are too important to each other. Harry started out as Louis’s captive and now he is his civil partner. So to my best friend and his partner, Harry, may their lives always be as happy as now.

Their speeches caused us to laugh and cry, make us proud of our decisions and of our choices in friends. Niall cried really loudly, grabbing me in a hug, smiling as the tears streamed down his face. He was my best friend, happy that I was happy and proud of Liam’s gut wrenching speech. He pulled away from me and kissing Liam lightly on the lips before he picked Abbey up, he danced a slow dance with her. Sarah had the photographer snap a lot of photos of them, saying that one day Abbey would like to look back at her Nialler. I was happy, so happy; nothing could change how I feel about Louis. Not now, probably not ever because he was mine and mine only.

________End of this Chapter________

Remember next chapter is the last, so get your comments in and read Creatively Me! J <3

 (On the side is: the boys outfits; Abbey's dress; Courtney and Sarah's dresses; and their colorful bouquets)

Send me Prompts too; I can do any ship even though I prefer Larry, Ziall and Niam.



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