The Captive: Chapter Eight

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There is a ton of fluff in this chapter, hope you like it!

Tell me where you want Louis and Harry's first date to be at, the person's who location I pick get a dedication and a tiny part. So tell me: your name; a tiny describtion of yourself; what character you like the best; your location of course; and how much you love me. ;)

__________________________Louis's Pov_____________________________________

This was a sick joke, I am going to kill Niall with a rainbow dyed rope. He must have told Harry that I had a crush on him, now Harry wanted to use it to make fun of me. I felt like crying but I am too manly for that or so I thought as I busted through my bedroom door. Zayn and Niall sitting on his bed talking and smiling, until they saw the hot tears rolling down my cheeks. "You told Harry I liked him, so he just asked me be a jerk." I screamed at Niall. "Are my feelings nothing to you, one of my best friends?" Niall looked at me wide eyed and jumped up from Zayn's bed.

"He asked you out and you think it was a joke?" Niall screamed back at me, "You are a twat Louis, Harry likes you a lot as in he really does." I watched as Niall freaked out on, Harry really liked me and I pulled away from our first kiss. I sat down on my bed stunned, new tears flowing because I ruined my relationship with Harry.

"He probably hates me now.." I sobbed into my hands as I laid on my bed, chocking slightly from the tears. I watched as Niall stomped angrily out of my room and Zayn came to sit on the edge of my bed, trying to comfort me but it wasn't going to work this time. I had messed up, by thinking Harry was a bad guy when I already knew he wasn't. I drifted off into sleep land, Zayn rubbing circles on my lower back and I dreamed of how I was going to make it up to Harry. 

I woke up the next morning with one mission in my mind, well two. Number one: eat some food because my stomach was growling louder then a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Number two: get Harry to understand I liked him back and convince him to go on a date with me. Those were good temporary goals, if I may say so myself, but then again I may be bias. Once my foot hit the fluffy carpet, I realized Zayn was not in our room and my shoulders sagged slightly. I hope that everything will go back to normal once I confessed my feelings to Harry, otherwise I might have to leave my family, just to get this nagging guilty feeling to go away. I headed down the steps and into the kitchen, pulling out two bowls and some cereal. I grabbed the milk and headed up to Harry's room, hoping no one had gotten him breakfast yet. I slowly opened the door, not hearing any voices I walked up the stairs. "Niall, I told you to leave me alone." Harry's voice sounded rough and it cracked a little. "It is going to take more then a day to get over Louis." I sat the two bowls, spoons, milk and cereal on his desk before climbing into bed next to him. He was facing the wall and he still thought I was Niall, so I used it to my advantage by wrapping my arm around his waist and pulling him to me. "Niall, come on. I just want to wallow in self pity..." He whined against the pillow trying to get out of my hold, I did the first thing that came to my mind. I kissed his neck, repeatedly, up and down in it to comfort him. "Niall, what the hell are you doing?!" Harry flipped over to see that it was I, Louis Tomlinson, in his bed and not Niall. His eyes widen dramatically as he looked at me. I leaned in with my eyes closed and quickly brushed my lips against his before I spoke.

"I like you too, Harry. I like you a lot, more then I have liked anyone in my entire life." I started speaking, grabbing his hand and entwining our fingers together. "Your the first person I would not mind growing up with and I am willing to grow up to be with you, if that is what you want. Yesterday I thought you were making fun of me, but I should have known that you would never do that because you are the sweetest person I have met." I leaned in and kissed him longer this time, letting our lips mold together. "I want to be your boyfriend, Haz, if you'd still let me." I gave him a weak smile, hoping that I was not too late but when I heard him chuckle I never I was okay.

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