XIV. I'm Leaving & I'm Never Coming Back

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I DREW IN A SHARP BREATH, eyes glued to the screen in horror-struck stillness. One hand came up almost of its own accord, ghosting over the screen as if I could find a weakness in the screen between myself and the video, as if I could tear through it to reach the two small figures curled around each other in a rough wooden box.

"Roger!" A cry tore itself from my throat as the camera panned in to show their pale, unhappy faces. Their eyes were closed. "Andy!"

The camera whirled around to refocus on the white face of the Joker. "They've been good little boys, don't worry," he sneered. "One of them left a massive bruise on my throat, and the other took his teeth to my arm, but they settled down after a few days in a box."

My teeth ground into my lip, and I tasted blood. I could barely feel Dick's hand on my arm.

"Here's the deal, chica." The long smile widened. "Your boys are sweet, but you get tired of them after a week. You can have them. I want you."

The fire in my heart turned to fear, and then to chilly determination. You've got me.

"Come back to the warehouse...alone." Smugness permeated his voice. "If you don't, I'll ditch my babysitting duties--in the river, I think. And if you even try to bring your--"

Dick leaned forward and slapped the keyboard, cutting off his voice in mid-sentence. The screen went black.

Oh no, oh no, no, no, no. This can't be happening, this isn't happening, this can't be real--

"Look at me, Harmony." Dick's voice was sharp, and I realized I had been staring off the platform. "Eyes on me."

I blinked sluggishly and brought my face up to his worried brown eyes. "He's got them." I whispered, hoarsely. "My brothers."

He nodded in acquiescence, tightening his grip on my arm. "That's what we're here for. Don't worry, I'll get your brothers back."

I smiled faintly, but already doubt was blossoming in my mind. The fact was I couldn't drag them into this. It wasn't fair, and it wasn't right. And I knew what would happen if they went after the Joker; he'd lay traps for them. He'd hurt them. This was unacceptable to me.

The Bat came home, and he and his partner went to work analyzing the video, nearly forgetting me in their concentration as I paced around the platform. Alfred finally put his foot down and almost physically dragged me off to bed. I went to save his back (and my pride, of course).

It took me a few hours to drop off, but I slept long and hard for most of the day. Not even an earthquake could have jolted out of my sleep.

When I finally woke to the sounds of a sleepy afternoon, there was a tray with breakfast sitting on my dresser. I ate without relish, the oatmeal and its faint maple flavor like shredded cardboard in my mouth. Briefly, I took a look outside my room, but everything was quiet. Dick was at school, Bruce was at work, and Alfred was out working the grounds.

Quick and quiet, heart thumping and mouth dry as sandpaper, I tiptoed downstairs and into the kitchen. "I'm sorry." I apologized to the empty air, reaching for the jar of cash that I knew Alfred kept in the back cabinet. "I'll pay you back." I quickly stuffed a handful of bills into my pocket, and returned back upstairs.

My plan had come to me when I was lying in bed last night. I knew I couldn't ask the Dynamic Duo to go after the Joker for me. It was too dangerous, and obviously a trap.

But they'd definitely do it if I asked, and leaving my brothers to a watery death was not an option. I had to go by myself, and exchange myself for my brothers. It was the only way I could keep everyone I loved safe and if my life was the price, it was a small one to pay.

Hopping back into bed, I pulled my head under the covers and remained that way for the rest of the afternoon, dozing in and out of fitful sleep. At one point, my door opened and light footfalls sounded. I squeezed my eyes shut and pretended to be asleep.


I stayed motionless, and even though I was sure he could hear the hammering of my heart, he finally turned and left, closing the door behind him.

When the light finally faded and I heard the thumps of bedroom doors closing across the house, I finally got out from under the covers. My Captain America hoodie and capris were on, there was enough money to take a cab down to the dock. I was fully dressed and ready.

Hang on. I silently told my brothers, eyes hard. I'm not going to abandon you.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, and walked to the window. The moon was full, and the glow of city lights and skyscraper widows colored the horizon. Everything was still and silent and peaceful. A faint chill from the night air leaked through the window, and I shivered. The sill was cold under my hands. Slowly, I reached forward and unlocked the rusty hooks on the widow. One good tug was all that it needed to scrape itself out of the position it had been in (for what I assumed was a very long time) and slide up with a creak. The air was chilly. My breath came out in puffs of steams, and my ears tingled. For summer, the weather had taken a drastic turn.

Steeling myself, my hands clasped down on the sill. I gave one last look over my shoulder, half expecting to see a black-haired shadow with sharp brown eyes standing in the doorway.

There was no one there.

"Bye, Grayson." My breath caught on a sob, and I slid forward to slowly crawl out the window.

Click on the star button, mi amigos.

(Además, si usted puede leer esto, usted es increíble.) ;)

Batman & Robin And Me .:rewritten:.Where stories live. Discover now