XXIV. Highways & Double Doors

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THIS TIME, THE RIDE through the interdimentions was really, really rough.
It felt like I was being smashed around in a frantic game of bumper cars, or we were flying through a tumbling dryer at breakneck speed.

"What's going on?" I screamed, or tried to scream. What came out was more like a garbled shriek. Jasper, who was grabbing my wrist tightly, looked back and shook his head. It was clear he wasn't free to talk.

We flew through the blue and green light show faster and faster, until my hair was plastered to my face from what seemed like high intensity winds, though the tingling it left on my cheeks said otherwise.

At the last moment, when I was sure the energy would peel the skin off my body, Jasper suddenly changed direction. We fell through a portal that felt like sandpaper against my face. It was fifteen feet above the ground, in a sign.

We hit the ground hard. "Good gravy!" I hissed, blinking under the bright sunlight. "Couldn't you have chosen a better exit?"

Jasper shrugged, pulling me to my feet. "Don't always get to chose where we come out. Sorry."

I returned the shrug. "Thanks for taking me through. Is it always that rough?"

"No..." He looked down at his gauntlets, suddenly sad. "They broke the power source, the cops. Without it, they can't last. They're going to die soon." His face screwed up like he was trying not to cry, and I wondered how long he'd been running around with these things on his arms.

"Oh. Sorry," I told him, really meaning it.

He gave a final shrug, his standard reply to most statements. "Eh. Can you find your way from here?"

"Yeah, I can." I stood up, noting with displeasure that we were on the side of a highway leading into Gotham. It's gonna be a long walk. Better start now.

I started to walk, but stopped with a jerk. Slowly, I turned to stare at my companion. "Wanna let go now?"

He started, and took his hand off my wrist with a sheepish smile. "Sorry."

I gave him a brief smile before turning around to leave. I started off down the strip of grass we were on, mentally calculating how many hours it would take to get into Gotham, and whether I wanted to go straight to the warehouse or stop by Wayne Mansion in the hope that Batman and Robin had escaped.

"You gonna be okay?" Jasper's voice sounded from behind me. I nodded once, too focused to turn around.

"Do yourself a favor, Jasper, and get out of the supervillain business while you still can. It's not all it's cracked up to be."

He didn't reply right away, but when he did, his voice was sad and he didn't even complain that I had used his real name. "I know. Be careful, Miss Sanders. The Joker is dangerous."

"Yeah, this isn't gonna be very fun," I said, half to myself. "But they're in danger, so it doesn't matter."

"Robin's lucky to have someone like you."

I whipped my head back around, but the only thing I caught out of the corner of my eye was a glimpse of the blue-green portal of Chronos winking out of existence. I was alone.

Three hours later, I wrapped on the thick double doors, hoping beyond hope. Maybe they were here. Maybe the Joker had been lying, and everything was fine.

Alfred opened the door. "Miss Harmony?" His face was stressed and he looked a thousand years older. "Come in, child. Quickly."

I stepped into the warm lobby. Any hope that the Joker had been bluffing quickly evaporated when I saw how strained Alfred's smile was. "How long have they been gone?" I asked, trying to keep the panic from reappearing in my gut.

"Two days." Alfred wearily moved into the expansive living room to sit down in an armchair. "I'd call the police, but..." He shrugged, helplessly.

"The Joker has them."

His head snapped up. "And how do you know this?"

"He--he sent me a message. He said...if I came to him, I could have them back."

Alfred sighed. "There is very little we can do for them now."

"I'm going to go get them." He stared at me, and I plunged ahead. "I came back for them, Alfred. They risked a lot for me, the least I can do is risk something for them."

"That something will be your life," he said, sharply. "I cannot be responsible for your death. I'm sorry, dear, but I will not let you go."


He held up a hand. "This will not be a discussion. It would be disgraceful of me to let you, a young, untrained lady, go into a deadly situation like this one. Even for Master Bruce and young Master Dick."

"Alfred," I leaned forward, catching his gaze. "Alfred, if you don't let me go, the Joker's gonna kill them." I squelched the horror at that thought and continued. "I can free them. I can save them. Please, please let me go."

There was a long, long silence, puctuated only by the ticking of the grandfather clock next to the sofa and the crackling of the fire in the fireplace. Alfred stared at me for a long moment. I held my breath, feeling as if my very soul was under inspection. The minutes crept by.

Finally, Alfred dropped his gray head into his hand and sighed softly. "I cannot be responsible for your death, Miss Harmony," he repeated.

I opened my mouth to protest, but he held up his hand. "Yet somehow, I feel that you are the only hope for my family." He brought his piercing eyes up to bore into mine. "So, promise me this. Promise me that you will not fight the Joker unless you absolutely have to. He is crafty, and wicked, and older than you by many years. He has a demonic strength, and he has many tricks to play on the unsuspecting. Master Bruce can match him in battle, but you cannot."

I nodded, hope rising. "I won't."

"I will stay in touch with you through your communicator." Alfred rose, beckoning to me. "You must leave instantly if you think you cannot free them quickly, no matter what happens."

We walked through the living room to the door in the corner. Descending the spiraling staircase, we came into the study where the secret door was. Alfred sat down at the desk and pulled out a drawer, quickly typing in the password. The secret door slid open.

Despite the worry that hovered over me like my personal black rain cloud, I couldn't help the excited smile that pulled at my mouth ever so slightly.

It was time to suit up.

Batman & Robin And Me .:rewritten:.Where stories live. Discover now