II. Ash & Lavendar

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THE FIRST THING I NOTICED  after the darkness had pulled back somewhat was that my ears had finally stopped ringing.

Thank God. I could have been deaf. And I am terrible at reading lips.

I laughed in relief, or tried to. What came out of my mouth sounded more like a faint whimper.

That's odd. I tried to get up and see what was going on, but I couldn't get my body to cooperate. Heck, I couldn't even open my eyes. There was a distinct pressure against my chest, and I realized a beam had somehow fallen across me.

My mouth tastes like ash.

Now this was alarming, and the jolt of fear pushed my eyes open for a moment. It was warm, dark and blurry, and nothing was moving. Then, the pain struck again, and my eyes fell shut.

Shoot...it feels like...

The pain in my abdominal area had spread to my ribcage, and every second it grew more pronounced, causing me to wonder absently why in the world I had missed it.

...like I've been hit by a truck.

I tried one more time to climb to my feet, but I only managed to move my left leg, making the pain grow exponentially.

"Good gravy!" I forced out in a strangled, whispered hiss, speaking through the awakening effect of sheer pain and the fact it wasn't going anywhere. "--This hurt worse--than my-- stupid appendix bursting!

Then I remembered my family, and my struggling doubled. I couldn't see my brothers, but they had to be around somewhere--I had to find them, I couldn't give up and leave them to--

"Calm down." A soft voice murmured next to my ear. "We're gonna get you out of here."

If I hadn't been half dead from pain, I'd have been half dead from fright.

"Wha--?" I squeaked, pulling my eyes open. It did me little good, I couldn't make out anything but blurry shapes. "Who are you--where's Andy and Roger?"

"It's alright."

I finally caught a glimpse of colors, bright red, green, and gold.

"Please--" I choked out, desperate in fear. I didn't care what happened to me, but I had to make sure that my little boys were safe. "Andy...Roger...Please find my brothers! It's my job to take care of them. You have to make sure they're okay! Please..."

Then, my mind decided that staying awake was just too much effort, and my eyes fell shut again.


I was much more comfortable this time. The pain in my side had been reduced to a dull ache, the taste of ash and blood was gone, and I didn't feel cold.

"Always knew satin makes the best bedsheets..." I yawned, temped to purr in contentment as I snuggled deeper into the crisp, soft fabric. There was the crackle of logs burning in the tiny fireplace, the smell of lavender in the air, and...

...Hold up.

No room of mine ever smelled like lavender.

Batman & Robin And Me .:rewritten:.Where stories live. Discover now