XII. Reading Glasses & Resolutions

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BY MY SEVENTH DAY IN THE HOUSEHOLD of the Wayne's, I was starting to fall into a pleasant routine, the most normal I'd had since the Incident.

Alfred continued to invent excuses to let me poke around in the kitchen-- under strict supervision-- and help him in meal preparation. He was the one who noticed my meager wardrobe and insisted buying some more, including the all-important shoes that I was seriously lacking.

Bruce and I had grown closer and closer as the days went on. I was always finding myself by his side as he ran through files on the huge Batcomputer, offering comments, a cup of coffee, or a wisecrack as needed. One time I managed to get him to laugh and spray coffee through his nose. It was awesome and well worth the trouble it took to get the coffee out of the keyboard.

On the other hand, the Boy Wonder had been completely and entirely wrapped up in training when he wasn't at school. He worked in the farthest corner of the Batcave, and every time I approached him, he smiled apologetically and said something about being seriously busy. In all honesty...

You'd have thought he was avoiding me.


"Pass the butter, won't you?"

I sat at the kitchen table with Alfred and Bruce, basking in the early morning light. Dick was down in the cave, apparently catching up on recent news.

"Check this out." I cleared my throat and narrowed my eyes at the article, readjusting my reading glasses. "Batman: Myth or Monster? Exclusive interview with Robin Inside..."

There was a snort from the doorway, and I turned to see Dick leaning against the doorframe.

"Hah, they wish. Not like they could even get close to me." He and Bruce exchanged glances, mirth mirrored in their gazes. Then his eyes fell on me, and if remembering something, he abruptly turned and left. I slapped the newspaper down, angry, and stood up to go after him.

"Please don't be upset, Harmony," Bruce's voice trailed after me. "He's just trying to do his best."

I scowled. His best? Whatever did he mean? I was going to get to the bottom of this now. Quickly, I caught up with the Boy Wonder in the study, where he had pulled a book out of the shelf and was staring at it blankly. As I appeared in the doorway, he moved to exit.

"Where are you going?" I planted my hands on my hips, close to tears. "I'm not that horrific, I hope."

"Harm, I--"

"And when did I start being Harm?" I sucked in a breath, scrubbing at my eyes and a furious effort to push angry tears away. "Please-- if you don't want to be around me, just say so. I can't stand it, Dick! You're not here all day, and when you are, you avoid me. You and Bruce and Alfred are the only people I ever get to see, and since my parents are in critical condition and my brothers may be dead--" I covered my face with my hands, choking back a sob. "--you're the only one who keeps me feeling hopeful. I'm so lonely in this great big house...don't you ever want company?"

There was no sound, and I couldn't bear to look up and face him. "If you can't stand me, say so. I'll leave you alone, I swear," I stated, resigned. "I know I'm a horrible bother. You're a prodigy child and a billionaire's heir. I'm a blue belt in aikido. There is no comparison."

Smothering, awful silence reigned, and I had to hold back tears again. He probably thought I was an annoying little girl who followed him around all day like a lost puppy. Maybe he'd ask Bruce to send me away, or--

"Harmony," he finally spoke, and I almost jumped in surprise, realizing he had moved to my side. "You have never been a bother."

"Then why don't you want to be around me?"

He sighed deeply. "I'm an idiot, that's why. I didn't think it would make any difference to you."

"Of course it does."

"I know, but I thought you didn't, and I was trying to keep myself safe."

"Safe--from me?"

"You're one of the most dangerous people I've ever met, Charm. You have no idea. You make me feel like I'm on top of the world when I'm with you, and honestly...I know that when your case is solved, you're going to leave and disappear out of my life. It's going to be a serious blow to my morale... I did the most sensible thing I could think of. Because when you leave, I know I'm going to ."

"I'm sorry," I replied, keeping my eyes fixed on the floor. "If I had known, I wouldn't have blown up at you. I guess...I can keep staying away--"

"Oh, it's too late to back out." He put a hand under my chin, bringing my face up to meet his. "You yelled at me and called me out on my selfishness. Now you're stuck with me."

We both grinned, and I met him halfway in a warm hug.

"Friends then?" I asked.

"Of course--Ouch!" He looked down at my reading glasses hanging around my neck. "Hey, when did you start wearing those?"

"Oh." I hastily tugged them off and shoved them into my pocket. "I'm a little bit farsighted-- not very much, really."

He nodded and reached over to pull them back out of my pocket.

"Oh, no," I protested, pushing him away. "You don't want to see me in them. They make my eyes look small, and they're a horrible color."

He continued nodding, and pulled them out.

"No, no, no. Honestly. I don't really need them hardly, I swear."

He place them on the bridge of my nose and stepped back, placing a hand under his chin thoughtfully. "I think...you look cute in glasses."

"Oh, please." I flushed, taking them off and reaching over to stick them on his face. "See? Told you. Horrible color."

Hey guys, don't forget to hit that star!

Batman & Robin And Me .:rewritten:.Where stories live. Discover now