XXX. One Last Night & A Confession

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"CHARM? CHARM, PLEASE wake up. We're here."

I closed my eyes tighter. "My name's Harmony," I slurred softly. "You don't have to call me by my hero name here."

"Oops, sorry. Force of habit, I suppose." There was the noise of a car door opening (the smooth hinges of the Batmobile door sounded entirely unlike the click-squeeeeaak of the doors on my parent's car). There was a pause, and then, "C'mon, we already dropped the Joker off--we're home. We gotta go."

I turned my face away. "I don't want to go back home," I whispered, sleep making me more emotional than usual. "I'll...just stay in the Batcave and never come out."

"No, I won't let you become a cave goblin. Against my morals." A strong arm reached across me to unbuckle me before gently tugging me out of the back seat. "You've had a long day."

"Master Bruce! Master Dick!" Alfred's joyful voice carried across the room. "Welcome back, sirs. I'm so glad to see you alright--but what happened to Miss Harmony?"

A low chuckle next to my ear. "She's okay."

"Shock, I think." Bruce--not Batman--spoke up. "Minor case. Was under a lot of stress."

"She punched the Joker in the face!"

"Twice," I mumbled, opening my blurry eyes to see Alfred shaking his head in disapproval. "Once to the nose, once to the jaw."

The world around me was settling into district shapes. We were back in the Batcave.

Alfred wasn't in a suit, for once. His face was very grave. "Let me examine her," he demanded.

After a thorough explanation and letting him banadage my twisted wrist, crushed right fingers, the painful slash across the back of my shin, and assorted and various bruises and minor cuts (there was an enormous purple bruise on my backside--it hurt like the dickens), he declared me to be lucky to have gotten away with as little damage as I did, and sent me to change out of the suit before demanding I go directly to bed.

"...But don't I have to go back home?"

He waved his hand. "We'll send you back in the morning. Not a problem. Now off to bed, my dear."

Robin, who had reverted to Dick Grayson In Batman Pajamas when I wasn't looking, watched me with a look of soft concern for reasons unknown to me. I felt fine. Just a little tired. Certainly not in shock.

"Goodnight, then!" My voice echoed loudly in the underwater lake.

"'Night!" Bruce called down from far above. He had already climbed there to record things, I think, but he turned around to wave at me.

"Straight to sleep, Miss Harmony," Alfred warned. "Goodnight."

I turned to leave the Batcave, but in my state of tired shock, my feet slipped on the slightly damp steel, and before I could stop myself, I toppled over the edge of the platform.

I fell backwards without a sound, falling straight off the platform and towards the water, too tired to realize what was happening.

Dick came up from behind me and jumped forward with frightening speed. His hand shot out and wrapped around my forearm, and he tugged me forwards as I fell backward. The movement was so fast that it saved me from a definite soak and possible second drowning experience, but as he did so, his own feet flew out from under him. We both were suspended in the air for a moment before we fell, prone, on the deck.

I gasped, realizing I hadn't been breathing during the whole ordeal. "I swear, I have got to stop almost killing myself." My voice was noticeably quaking. "I'm real sorry, I didn't mean to almost drag you in with me--"

Batman & Robin And Me .:rewritten:.Where stories live. Discover now