XXVI. Death & Destruction

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I SPED THROUGH THE STREETS, the computer expertly navigating traffic and turning sharp corners with a precision that left me clutching the seat in a death grip. Gothic streetlights flashed past the widows in ever-increasing speed. I shut my eyes for a moment.

When I opened them again, the computer was making a clicking noise. "Three minutes to destination."

"Beats walking," I said aloud. My voice was shaking. Unable to sit still any longer, I turned my attention to my utility belt.

There were compartments up and down this thing. A quick inspection revealed a wireless link in the buckle, a grappling gun on my hip, smoke pellets, two small Batarangs--and at this discovery, I had to try hard to hold back a delighted squeal-- gas mask, cuffs, three different knives, a taser, and a pair of goggles that I assumed were infra-red.

They customized it to me. I was hugely flattered. Dick knew that I had no experience in lock picking or thermite explosives (or anything terribly useful, for that matter). It made me wonder at the though that had gone into the selection, since they had sent me away.

"Destination reached," the computer chirped at me.

Okay. Here goes nothing.

I climbed out of the Batmobile. The sun was setting over in the west, casting huge purple shadows over the land, and golden rays across the water beyond the dock. The warehouse loomed like a monsterous cat, lurking in darkness and ready to pounce on me.

I felt utterly alone.

Standing tall, I shut the door of the car. There was a heavy click, and I knew that I wouldn't be getting back into it very easily. There was nowhere to go but forward. So I drew my silver cape around myself and stalked forward, fading into the shadows like a ghost. A very small, terrified ghost.

I crept, heart in mouth, to the door of the warehouse. Every step on the packed gravel sounded like thunder to my ears. Slowly, I put my gloved hand on the handle to the huge sliding door.


"Shh!" I hissed at the door, before trying again. This time when I pulled it, it smoothly slid along its course, and the warehouse was now open. I stepped through the tiny opening.

It was dark, but not as dark as before. I could clearly make out everything. No pasty, purple-suited clown stood to greet me, but what I did see sent a streak of horror through me, and erased all fear.

Batman and Robin slumped back to back, soaking wet and bound in chains.

"Guys!" I flew to their side, forgetting all danger. Robin's face was pale and slack. Water dripped from his bangs.

"Wake up!" I pressed a hand to his head, voice sharp with worry. "Robin, it's me!"

Batman raised his cowled head. "Harmony." His voice was weak, but somehow still dark and terrifying. "You need to get out of here."

"No way." I pulled my hand from Robin's face and fumbled with the chains, searching for the lock. "I'm gonna get you out of these."

"That's an order, young lady," he growled. I pulled back, intimidated, but when he coughed and collapsed again, I shook my head.

"We've been in this kind of situation before," I reminded him, firmly. "I was the one in trouble, and you stepped in to save me. I'm returning the favor."

Eyeing the lock warily, I reached over to my hip for my mini acetylene torch, igniting it and grabbing one of the thick chain length. "Now, this should just take a moment..." Slowly, I lowered the cutter to the chain.

Robin opened his eyes and raised his head, sluggish but frantic. "Don't--" he choked. "Get out of--"

"Hold on, girlie." The voice sent a shudder through me, and I turned to see the Clown Prince of Crime watching me, completely unperturbed.

"You." I stood up, setting the cutter down by my friends.

We stood face to face for a long moment. I felt sick to my stomach. It was like a kitten facing down a lion, and I could see in his eyes how amusing he thought it was.

Cocking his head, the Joker cackled. "True to form. Such an honest girl."

"I'm here. Let them go!"

"Now, now, hold on!" He held his hands up. "I said I'd let them go. Let's not be hasty."

"You--you have played with me and my family at every turn," I declared, too angry to keep the shaking from my voice. "I have been bounced back and forth between two worlds, seen my home destroyed, been scared out of my mind for my brothers, and nearly died myself. These sick games have gone on for far too long, and I'm done playing, you lunatic. Give me back my Duo, or I'm going to be very, very hasty."

He hurt them. He's been messing with the wrong girl. I'm going to destroy him. My thoughts were wild and unrestrained.

He dared to touch my Robin.

He kept his hands up, placatingly. "Certainly. Certainly. I'll be glad to get rid of them. You'll just have to come in their place."

"No." I ground my teeth. "We've already done this."

"Well, I let your brothers go, didn't I?"

"I'm not playing around, Joker," I growled. He smiled, condescending.

"But you are, sweet thing. You're just a little girl playing at being a hero. You've never killed anyone. You've never been trained. You're pathetically naïve. Do you think you can best me? You don't stand a chance."

"Oh, don't misunderstand. I know I don't." My hands clenched into tight firsts, and a half-smile appeared at the corner of my mouth. This time I wasn't fighting fear. I was fighting angry. "But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try."

I lunged forward, moving faster than I ever had in my life.

When my first punch hit him, it took him completely by surprise and his head snapped back with a satisfying crack.

"You brat!" Harley screeched from her unobserved perch on a crate. She sprang to her feet, a murderous light in her eyes, but the Joker held up a hand to stop her, never taking his eyes off of me. I warily stepped back. He reached up to wipe the blood from his nose (had I really hit him that hard?), and began to chuckle.

It started off as a low, raspy sound that grew higher and higher until it was a chortle that rang through the warehouse and echoed off the walls. Batman, out of the corner of my eye, looked alarmed. Robin's eyes were bright with fear. He was trying to mouth something to me, but I was too horrified to tear my eyes from the man in front of me.

The laugh got louder and louder until it seemed to take tangible form. Higher and bigger and more and more horrible it grew. My hands twitched to cover my ears.

"Harmony Sanders!" The Joker suddenly cried, voice loud and maniacal. "Darling, just for that, I'll make you watch as I kill your precious Duo slowly. Very, very slowly. I would have ended you first, quickly, but kid, you..." He trailed off again into laughter, bloodshot eyes nearly bugging out of his head. "You are just too much. Too much. And for this little token--" he gestured to his nose. "--you are going to burn."

"Charm! Move!" Robin screamed at me.

I wasn't nearly quick enough.

Batman & Robin And Me .:rewritten:.Where stories live. Discover now