XXIX. Clowns & Chases

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HARLEY BACKED AWAY. "Now, Birdie...you wouldn't hurt an innocent little girl, would'ja?"

In answer, Robin whipped out a Batarang with the intent of pinning her to the wall by her pigtails. But she was faster than a mouse on the run from a cat, and she dropped to the floor in a low crouch. "Now, I gave you a chance to listen to reason," she pouted. "But if you don't feel like taking it--"

Out from behind her back came a handful of throwing knifes.

"Duck!" Robin ordered, and I dropped flat to the ground. He kept running towards her, avoiding her knives as she sent them whistling through the air.

With a leap, he was upon her. Fast as lightning, he pulled a rod from his belt and with a shake, extended it to a full-sized bo staff. It was her turn to be overwhelmed with speed as he brought it down on her knife-throwing arm. They exchanged blows at a furious pace, jumping and ducking in turn.

On the balcony, Batman fought the Joker. The clown was clearly outmatched when it came to raw power, and the Dark Knight seemed to be fighting with incredible anger. The Joker was pulling out every trick hidden up his sleeves, in his pockets, or in his shoe just to stay on equal footing.

I turned my attention back to Robin and Harely Quinn. The speed hadn't lessened, if anything it had increased. He would rapidly bring his staff down to crack against her shoulder almost at the same time as she retaliated, driving her elbow towards his stomach, and in the next instant he was following up with a punch to the gut.

For a moment, she seemed to fall over, defeated, but she sprang back up instantly, and I saw that it had just been to put Robin off his guard. It worked, breaking the flow in their battle, and as they stood there for a short moment before Robin sent a devastating swing from his staff flying toward her, she dug a hand into her belt and pulled out a handful of powder, blowing it into his face.

He doubled over, coughing violently. She laughed in victory and reached to grab him, but he lashed out and hit her with his staff. They exploded into action again.

This time, though, Robin was moving a little slower, and it seemed that she was now landing blows on him far more often than he was hitting her. Finally, she got too close and he pinned her in a headlock, still coughing like he couldn't find air. I almost cheered in victory, but then she smiled, wickedly, and flipped him over onto his back almost in the same manner I had done to her earlier.

He lay there, stunned, as she pulled out yet another firearm--a thick, fantastical pistol that almost looked like a steampunk weapon.

"No!" I dashed forward, but she raised an eyebrow and waggled the gun in warning. "Ah, ah, ah...how does it feel to have someone you love at gunpoint?"

I gasped. "No, don't. Please.'

"Too late for please, bratlin'."

"The Joker doesn't love you," I desperately blurted out. "He was willing to let you die."

She grimaced as if in terrible pain. "My puddin' loves me. I know it."

"There's a million more like her, he said," I pressed. "You know he doesn't love anyone." I fixed my eyes on her. "Don't you?"

She sniffled. "I don't care," she replied ferociously. "You were gonna kill me anyway."

I shook my head. "The gun was on safety, Harley. I wasn't going to."

She cocked her head, surprised. "Truly? You never fail to surprise, darlin'."

Slowly, she unwrapped her pale arms from Robin's neck and lowered the gun. "Well, just this once," she declared, half to herself. "Puddin'--" she shot a quick, blue-eyed glance up at the catwalk where Batman was still locked in combat. "--he needs to learn a lesson anyway."

She patted Robin's head. "Until next time, Baby Bird." Seeing the flash of resentment on my face, she grinned brightly. "Stay cute, you bratty little thing."

With a whirl of red and blue, she sprang off and out the warehouse door.

I stood there for a moment, stunned with the bipolar attitude this woman seemed to possess. Then, I ran to Robin, pulling him to his feet.

He blinked. "Ugh...where's Quinn?"

I shrugged. "She left."

He frowned heavily at the news. "If I had only been quicker--"

"You were plenty quick, don't worry," I assured him, nodding emphatically. "C'mon."

We turned at a loud crash to see the Joker, who had apparently had his fill of going head-to-head with an unstoppable force for one day, fleeing down the stairs as Batman pursued him like a demon of the night.

I giggled in spite of myself. "Coward."

Robin grinned. "This isn't the first time things have turned out like this." He watched with amusement as the chase took them across the warehouse floor. "To be fair, though, I think he's just tired of losing teeth when he gets punched."

The Joker was clearly running out of juice as he stumbled along the floor. He came towards our corner, too dazed to notice us, and Robin started stepping out to intercept him. I put a hand in front of him. "Hold on."

I stepped out directly into the Joker's path, and he reared back in surprise.

"Hey there." I grinned and pulled my fist back swiftly. "You've had a long day. Take a nap."

Wham! My uppercut landed solidly on his chin, and he crumpled to the ground without a sound. Batman was on top of him in the next moment, handcuffing him none too gently.

It was over.

I sat down, suddently very, very tired. The wound on my leg stung, my hand hurt, and the adrenaline high was finally at an end. "This day..." I managed, words soft and slightly slurred, "...has been a really long day."

"Well, it's almost over." The Boy Wonder spoke close to my ear, and his gloved hand wrapped around my waist before he pulled me close to his side.

"Ready?" Batman tucked the Joker under one muscular arm. Robin nodded. I managed a weak thumbs up.

"Then let's go home." Batman turned to head out the warehouse door, and we followed, Robin's arm supporting my stumbling frame. "By the way, Harmony," the Dark Knight didn't turn back to look at me, but I got the distinct impression he was smiling. "Kid, that was one heck of a punch."

A/N: Uggghhh...I've been sick with the flu for the last whole week...which means I've been spending 24/7 in bed, feeling like a puddle of goop. But I got a chapter for you anyway.

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