XXXI. Promises & Goodbye

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CHRONOS' TIME GAUNTLETS, the real source of his power, had been mysteriously donated to Gotham's finest. They would be used one last time, to return all the people that he had accidentally sucked into this world. Then, the power in them would dissipate, and Jasper would no longer be Chronos.

It was raining.

Bruce and Dick escorted me down to the train station. They were dressed in their trademark business-casual clothes. I was back in my Cap hoodie and skirt. There was a tremendous passenger train being loaded with people from my reality. At one end of the station, at the front of the train, instead of the tunnel that it would normal exit the station though, there was an enormous blue-green portal. Police officers stood on either side of it to prevent stray little children from walking through before it was time to go.

"Huh." I looked around. "I'm really leaving."

Dick's mouth twisted in a grin, though I could see pain in his eyes. "Thanks for stating the obvious, Harmony. Don't know what we'd do without you."

"Yeah, it's what I do." I grinned back. Maybe we both weren't as adept at deception at we told ourselves--my voice was almost shaking.

"I really don't know what I'm gonna do without you." He admitted, face crumpling. "Wayne Manor isn't the same without you. I'm really gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too." I touched his arm. "I'm so glad the Joker didn't kill you. And I...when he aimed that gun at me, I thought..."

Dick scowled distantly at the mention of the criminal. "He's serving time now. He can't touch you. You're safe."

I shuddered. "He was...psychotic. But brilliant. The way he planned everything out...He--he said that I wouldn't escape him a third time."

He flashed a fierce smile. "Well, he failed, so he can shove that up his--"

"Dick, we really have to get going." Bruce stepped up beside us, tapping his watch, looking for all the world like a bored, ordinary business man instead of a black-clad dark knight. I felt a flash of admiration for the brilliance of the disguise. "We've got a lot of work lined up for us when we get back. Too much. Both ways."

Dick gave a sharp nod and a knowing smile to his guardian. "I know."

"You saved us, and Gotham will be safer because of you." Bruce told me, pride in his icy blue eyes. I stuck out my hand to shake, but he laughed and leaned forward to give me a tight hug instead.

I squeaked in surprise. "I didn't make a horrible mess of things? I wasn't a huge thorn in your side?"

"No, of course not. Your help more than compensated for any trouble you caused," he told me, almost entirely serious except for a tiny smile at the corner of his mouth. His voice dropped to a low whisper."Not to mention, you completely stole the attention my boy over there. I'm not going to have to worry about any other girls competing for his heart. I have a lot to thank you for, Miss Sanders. I owe you a great deal."

Batman owes me. Just when I though this couldn't get any stranger.

"You'll find the suit in your suitcase." Dick nodded towards it.

"Oh, you don't want it?"

"Keep it. It looks better on you anyway."

Bruce gave me a last smile before discreetly turning away to go visit a vending machine.

We both turned to watch him go, and Dick laughed. "He's doing it for me. You know what Alfred will do if he find out Batman was getting a snack from one of those."

"Well, at least this time we get a proper goodbye." I attemped to laugh, but I couldn't really do it. My vision was misty. I blinked once or twice to clear it.

"Never say goodbye," Dick quoted, holding out his hand. I took it, and together we stepped towards the train. "Because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting."

"Peter Pan?" I gave him a watery grin. "Didn't know you were a classics reader."

He returned it. "My education extends beyond knowing how to make a fist, believe it or not. Bruce read every single one of them to me when I was young."

All of a sudden, we were at the car door. I set my suitcase down on the step. Then, he leaned forward, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm really gonna miss you." I admitted in a whisper. "Please don't forget about me."

"Couldn't if I tried." He gave me one of his dazzling smiles that made people forget how to breath. "There's this huge space in my heart that got hijacked by you."

"You're ridiculous."

"It'd be funny, but I'm as serious as the grave."

We stood that way for a few infinitesimally short moments, holding on to one another like a lifeline. He exuded safety and happiness, and security. Gently, he rested his cheek on the top of my head, and as I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes, I soaked in the warmth he radiated like the sun and pretended that I could stay here in his arms forever, protected from the world.

Then, the bell chimed for the train to leave, shattering the illusion.

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked, stepping back and suddenly horrified that this could be it. I would go back home and try to pretend like I had never met him, get old, get married, have kids...

This could be the end of us.

But Dick gave the barest nod of the head, unseen by anyone by me. One of his hands shot out and grabbed mine, clutching it earnestly.

"I'll find you again," he told me in a low, quick voice, brown eyes solidly locked on my face. "I promise. Chronos may have had his gauntlets destroyed, but that can't be the only way between the worlds. I'll find a way, or I'll make one."


"I swear it."

Then he slowly let go of my hand, and I climbed into the car, taking a seat by the window.

Everyone was waving. The people from my world were waving to the people outside, and the people from this world of heroes were waving back. Every person seemed sorry to part, but there was an feeling of finally going home in the air. Smiles were on everyone's faces.

Chug. Chug. Chug. Chug.

I waved too as the train started speeding off down the track, heading for the glowing, swirling portal.

Chug chug chug chug.

The portal was meters away, and I squished my face against the glass, desperately hoping for one last glance. But I couldn't see them. Where were they?


Finally. "There." I breathed a sigh of relief, and waved. "See you later, Boy Wonder."

There was one last glimpse of Bruce and Dick waving back, standing side by side, and then they were gone.

Sighing, I let myself smile bittersweetly as I leaned back against the cushioned seat. This wasn't the end. New adventures begin when the old ones end.

And for some reasons, despite the odds of me ever coming back, Dick's promise left me feeling strangely hopeful. I felt like fate wasn't done playing with me yet. Maybe Gotham would see Charm again.

I looked up at the mirrored ceiling of the car. My reflection grinned down at me, hazel eyes bright with hope.

"No harm in dreaming, right?" I asked her.

After all, I still had my costume.

                                 The End

(Stick around for the epilogue!)

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