V. Caught Spying & Caught Falling

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THE FLOOR WAS STONE and freezing. My bare feet were silent as I crept silently down the stairs, which seemed to stretch on for forever, but probably only took a minute to descend. I stopped to gawk at the view as I reached the bottom.

"No way." I squeaked under my breath, eyes widening. "Holy--"

It was a massive cave. The ceiling stretched impossible high, showing just how far we were under ground, and massive, silvery stalactites hung from it, dripping water in a steady dripdripdrip. Bats were hanging in tiny clusters far above, asleep.

The floor of the cave was covered in a turbulent underground lake, fed by several waterfalls crashing into it from different points. I could hears different sounds besides the water, but they were tough to make out. In the very back of the enormous cavern, I could see what seemed to be a steel door, spanning the length of a normal house, and twice as tall.

Starting at the stairs, a steel walkway with little in the way of railings led from where I stood, across the water, and to a serious of platforms that were suspended above the lake like a surreal treehouse. They were connected to each other with the same kind of walkway, and the distance between them ranged from two feet to twenty. There were multiple levels, each with something different on them. In one glance I took in a lab, a medical bay, a mechanics shop, and a huge computer that had a monitor at least fifteen feet across.

I put a hand to my mouth, feeling overwhelmed for the thousandth time today. If I hadn't been clutching the rail already, I might have toppled off into the churning waters not five steps away from me.

I had found the Batcave.

My gaze finally searched out Bruce and Dick standing on one of the highest platforms--the one with the large computer-- standing with their backs to me and discussing something animatedly. Although I couldn't see them very well, it was clear they weren't wearing polo shirts and sweater vests anymore. Both had capes on, though Dick's stood out against the dark walls in a brilliant shade of golden yellow and Bruce's nearly made him invisible in a shadeless black. Dick held a domino mask in one hand.

Dizzily, I wondered if I was even in the same universe anymore.

In that same moment, a noise made itself heard over the water, a high siren. Both caped figures snapped their attention to the monitor.

I did too, and to my horror, I realized that the picture on the monitor was a live video feed from a hidden security camera. A young brunette in a Captain America hoodie and denim skirt, one hand gripping the railing, knuckles white, and her flabbergasted expression clearly visible in high definition.


Both turned from the screen to fix their eyes on me.

I stood in panic, fighting the urge to flee back up the stairs. There was no way I could get back through the bookcase door, and if I did, what was I going to do? Hide under the bed? Instead, I took a shaky step onto the walkway. It didn't sway, like I had expected, so after a moment I gathered the courage to go forward.

Bruce watched me, eyes unreadable (but probably more ice and less warmth). Dick had a peculiar expression of amusement and worry. I just kept walking, avoiding their eyes.

Finally reaching the first platform, I moved more quickly, stepping from platform to platform and climbing ladders when it was necessary to move in an upward direction. It reminded me of an obstacle course on a playground, just a little, and I knew I would have enjoyed it if it wasn't for the fact I had the distinct feeling I was climbing to my doom

Finally, I reached the next-to-last platform. My hands were shaking now, though I tried to tell myself it was more cold then fear. I started up the last ladder, chilled and now more than a little damp with the spray from the water.

I hope this doesn't end up with me leaving. I shivered. Couldn't help snooping, but--

Suddenly, I missed a rung and my feet slipped, along with one of my hands. Terrified, I choked back a shriek and looked down at the drop, praying that my other hand wasn't going to slip.

It did.

In the same instant, to my relief, my fingers were firmly seized by a green-gloved hand, and I was pulled effortlessly to safety.

Dick pulled me close, one warm arm wrapped around my waist, and I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to stop shaking. "Thanks."

"You're shivering."


"And still recovering, don't forget." A rough blanket appeared and was draped around my shoulders.

"Harmony, what are you doing here?" Bruce sounded royally ticked, and I forced my eyes open.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's our house."

"They're my brothers."

"What do they have to do with anything?"

"I know who you are, Bruce."

He froze, studying me. "You're bluffing."



"Doesn't matter. Let me come with you."


I thought about the danger that my brothers were in, and hot, angry indignation rode up in my throat. It wasn't his family that was in danger. It was mine. And I had a right to protect my own. "That's not fair!"

"Fair doesn't matter. You're not coming, Harmony." He growled, and I took a step back, suddenly afraid.

Then, I remembered the hollow, laughing eyes of the man who had turned my whole life upside down in a moment of madness, and my eyes hardened as I took a step forward, poking him in the chest.

"Try to stop me, Batman."

I was sure that I had just signed my death warrant, and was absently curious if I was going to be locked up in a closest or simply handcuffed to my bed, when Dick looked up from me with an expression of interest.

"I'll watch her."

Bruce gave him a look that was somewhere between Iknewthiswasgoingtohappenn and whydoIeventry, but after a moment, all he did was sigh and put his hand on his ward's shoulder.

"Promise me that this is going to end well."


Last day of freedom. School starts tomorrow.

Batman & Robin And Me .:rewritten:.Where stories live. Discover now