Officer's Orders

629 19 5

That night, Brenner returned, He broke in, and took Kate...


Stranger things



''It's been 18 hours'' El said

''Lets call the police'' Mike said

''What do we tell Lou, and Abbi!'' El said ''They're gonna be scared and afraid, i cant do that to them'' El said

''We have to'' Mike said ''And Brenner took her, i can feel it'' 

''Wait, why do the twins have them, and not lou?''

''Have what?'' Mike asked


''The twins take after your back round, Lou takes after mine'' Mike said

''Well call 911, i gotta go get the girls from school'' El said

''No you stay, ill go'' Mike smiled


At the school.

Mike walked into the school. ''Im here to pick up Lou and Abbi Wheeler'' Mike said

''Okay, one second'' Mrs. Tent said walking to a classroom, then moments later the two walked into the front of the school, Mike signed them out then drove out.

''Can we get ice cream?'' Abbi asked


Mike pulled into ''Milk and cream's ice cream''

''What would you like?'' Mike asked

''Triple swirl'' Abbi said

''Frost vanilla'' Lou said

Mike ordered, got the ice cream then left.

'''Dad, where's Kate?''

'Kate.. She's with aunt wheeler''


''Because she wanted to, she'll be home soon'' Mike said pulling into the drive way and walking in with the girls.

The police were there when Mike walked in.

''Oh, girls. Go up to your room, ill be up soon'' El said.

The girls look confused, but went up anyways.


Mike, Eleven and a male cop walked out onto the patio.

''So do you want to tell me what took place last night?'' Officer Will asked

''Someone came at 5am, so i answered the door, it was a guy who use to hurt us, so i made him leave.... He is obsessed with my wife and kids, and i believe he has taken Kate'' Mike said.

''Do you have a photograph of Kate?'' Officer Will asked

Mike reached into his wallet and took out a photo of the twins, She's the one in the blue.'' Mike said

''Ok, ill have a search out for her everywhere, in the mean time, no school for your girls, they stay with you at all times, and sleep in the same room, we cannot have this happen again'' Will said

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''Ok, ill have a search out for her everywhere, in the mean time, no school for your girls, they stay with you at all times, and sleep in the same room, we cannot have this happen again'' Will said

''Ok, thank you!'' Mike said shaking his hand an then he left, and said something into his walkie then drove off.


At the lab.

''Don't worry sweet cheeks, this wont hurt!'' Brenner said zapping Kate.

Kate got up and screamed ''Let me go!''

''Try and hurt me!''

'I will!'' Kate said trying to use her powers

''It worked, it really worked''

''What worked!''

''I took away your powers..  I'm done with you now'' Brenner said

''AHHH'' Kate screamed


I love this update, its actually really-really good, and a longer one the usual.

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