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Lou looked into Piper's eyes, as Dustin entered the room next to them, Lou looked to her right, and saw a knife. She grabbed it, and then crawled out from underneath the bed, Piper left the closet.

''Stay beside me'' Lou said grabbing Piper's hand, They slowly walked towards the door, but Dustin came running out, and saw Lou.

''Why are you running?'' Dustin asked

''Why are you kidnapping these kids? Was that your plan at the hospital? to kidnap Abbi!'' Lou yelled

Dustin walked closer, then Lou raised the knife. ''DONT!''

''Lou. Drop the knife'' Dustin said ''Drop it''

Lou ran and Stabbed Dustin in the arm, he fell then her and Piper ran for the door. It was locked

''LET ME GO!'' Lou yelled ''I'm your niece''

Dustin got up and ran for Piper and Lou, Lou dropped to the ground but Dustin grabbed hold of Piper

''No!'' Piper cried looking at Lou

Lou got up, ''Dustin, leave her alone. Let her go!''

''I cant do that! It wont leave me alone until your all dead'' Dustin said snapping Piper's neck

''NO! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!'' Lou screamed running at Dustin, Lou punched him in the face, then saw a gun. He went to grab it, But Dustin grabbed her hair and pulled her back, and pushed her into the mirror on the wall.

'Stop'' Lou cried ''Leave me alone''

''NO!'' Dustin said grabbing the gun and shooting towards Lou, She quickly rolled away, and ran.

''Get back here'' Dustin said. Lou jumped down a hole, witch took her to the basement, where she saw three cages, each containing 2 children.

''Oh my god''

''Help us'' A blonde boy said

''I promise, I will'' Lou said running at the cage, She opened one, with the blonde boy, and the pink haired girl. ''Come on, help' Lou said going to another one, and opening it.

Dustin appeared

''Oh no'' An older woman with a small girl in the cage said

Lou turned and saw dustin with a bomb, he threw it.

''Run'' Lou said looking at the four people infront of her.

The bomb began to count down


Lou ran and so did three of the kids, the one kid tried opening the cage, Lou looked back.

''NO! STOP, GET AWAY FROM THAT'' Lou cried but then jumped back, the fire blinding her.

''Are they dead!!'' The blonde boy cried

''I'm afraid they are'' Dustin said shooting the pink haired girl

''Kim!'' The boy cried

''I need you two to tell me your names! Now!'' Lou said

The blonde boy began to talk ''I'm Army''

''I'm Mila'' The girl said

''Let's find a way out'' Lou said


''Do you see that?'' Mike asked

''See what?'' Kate asked

''The smoke!'' Eleven said, She saw it was close by, and began to run for it.

''LOU WERE COMING'' El screamed


A branch of smoke fell, separating Lou and Army from Mila.

''Army! Help'' Mila cried seeing Dustin appear in the flames.

''Run Mila, we'll find a way to get to you'' Lou said taking Army's hand and running for an exit, but then Dustin cut the lights.

''Great, its pitch black'' Mila cried ''I hate the dark!''

Lou ran straight into Dustin, who began to choke her.

''No, Please don't do this... I'm only 12! DUSITN!'' Lou cried loosing sight.

''LEAVE HER ALONE MATE'' Army yelled kicking Dustin in the crotch.

Dustin kicked the kid over, and started punching Lou in the face.

''STOP!'' Lou screamed

A door smashed open. ''LOU!'' Mike yelled

''HELP US!'' Mila cried

''PLEASE'' Army cried trying to save Lou.

''LOU! IM COMING'' Eleven yelled running into the house.

Lou couldn't breath, or talk.

''HELP! HE'S KILLING HER!'' Army yelled

''WHERE ARE YOU!'' Mike yelled

''DOWN STAIRS! HELP!''' Army yelled as Dustin punched Lou again

Mike got down stairs, and saw a man on Lou, He kicked the man in the face, knocking him off, He saw it was Dustin.

''DUSTIN! WHAT THE HELL'' Mike yelled

''I'm SORRY'' Dustin cried

Mike grabbed an Axe, ''ELEVEN!'' Mike yelled

El ran down and saw the fire, and kids.

''Get them out, and to the hospital, ill meet you there'' Mike said ''I love you!''

Eleven picked Lou up, and the kids all ran to the road.


''You tried killing my daughter'' Mike said ''You were my friend!''

''I still am''


''Mike I'm sorry'' Dustin said ''Don't do this''


Mike raised the Axe, and chopped Dustin's head clean off.

''don't fuck with my family!'' Mike said kicking the chair that Dustin was sitting on, over into the fire. He saw Dustin's body go up in flames. The left..


Well this got intense. Lou's fate is unknown now, is she dead? Or alive.


Next chapter will be emotional, And for the rest of the book, Lou, Kate and Abbi will get closer, and Lou suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D)

I love you! (Eleven & Mike)Where stories live. Discover now