Eleven's return!

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''So Eleven, we gotta go see Dustin and Lucas'' Mike said

''Why?'' El asked

''Because they need to know you're alive, and my girlfriend'' Mike smiled

''Oh, okay'' Eleven said.

Mike snuck down the stairs with eleven. ''Mike! Come here please'' His mother said,

''Yea mom?'' Mike asked

''Come in here, and bring El too'' Mike's mother said

''El?'' Mike asked stupidly

''The girl who came here in the middle of the night looking for you'' She said

Mike and El entered the kitchen, ''We know she died, well she didn't die, but you know'' Mike's dad said

''Eleven, your more then welcome to stay with us'' Nancy said ''Since you did defeat that monster''

''Thank you'' Eleven said taking Mike's hand.

''Were going to be dating'' Mike said

''Okay, just no sexual activity' Nancy said

''Sexual activity?'' Eleven asked

''Where two people- Never mind'' Mike said ''Lets get going''

Mike walked out and got on his bike. ''Get on, like we use to do' Mike said as Eleven jumped on behind him. He peddled to Lucas' house as he was closet. Then they went to Duncan's' and finally to Will's

''Eleven is back'' Mike said ''She was sent into the light, as so will. And was brought back using her powers. She is stronger then ever!''

''Welcome back'' Lucas and Dustin said hugging Eleven.

''Thank you'' Eleven said, ''This is will'' Eleven asked pointing

''Yes, this is will, Will Byers.''

''Nice to meet you, Will'' Eleven said putting her hand out

The two shook hands. ''I'm Eleven, I'm dating Mike''

''Its nice to meet you too'' Will said with a smile.

''Lets go to the hangout'' Mike suggested

''Alright'' Will and Dustin said.

The Four arrived at the hangout. ''This is the first time being here since El died, well dissapered'' Mike said

''Same'' Lucas said

''I'm glad your back'' Mike said hugging El. ''I'm glad too!'' Eleven said giving mike a kiss.

The bullies showed up. ''Hey, Duck face!' Troy yelled

'What do you want!?'' Mike yelled

''I'm gonna knock you out'' Troy said.

''Try me'' Mike said

Troy ran at Mike but Eleven used her mind powers. ''Let me go'' Troy begged.

''I'm back now, Its time for you to go'' Eleven said taking Troy over to the cliff. ''El?'' Mike asked

''No more!'' El said

''NO PLEASE'' Troy yelled. ''I'm sorry''

Eleven smiled then dropped troy, He fell into the water, killing him/

''No more bullies'' Eleven smiled

''Thanks'' Dustin smiled ''He was a suns-a-bitch''

Everyone smiled and laughed, Mike put his arm around Eleven's neck. ''I love you''

''I love you too, Mike!''



I love you! (Eleven & Mike)Where stories live. Discover now