The last Battle!

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This book has done amazing since i brought it back, I'm proud! This book still has a lot to come, and discover. I hope your all ready, and prepared for the ride! Xoxo ~Dancer!


''AHHHH'' Kate screamed


''Abbi?'' El asked looking at a pale Abbi

''Mommy'' Abbi cried gripping onto a railing. ''MOMMY!''

El and Mike turned and saw Abbi fall, and blood came from her arm.

''What' goin on?'' Mike asked

''AH'' Abbi screamed.

Mike picked Abbi up and took her to the car. He drove fast and got to the hospital.

''DADDY! AHHHH, HE'S HURTING HER!'' Abbi screamed

''Help me please'' Mike said to the nurse, The nurse took the two into a room, and injected Abbi with a needle

''Whats going on?''  Mike asked

'Does she have a twin, or someone close to her?'' Nurse Adam asked

''Yes'' Mike said

''Where ever or who ever your daughter is with is hurting her, witch is hurting Abbi, because there twins and conned'' Nurse Adam's said

''AHHH'' Abbi screamed sitting up. ''DR. LABORATORY 5TH STEET... GO!'' Abbi yelled then past out.

''Watch her! Ill be back!''


Mike ran into the lab. ''KATE! KATE ARE YOU HERE?'' Mike screamed

''Daddy'' Kate cried from a distance. Mike saw her, and ran.

''Daddy watch out!'' Kate yelled

Mike looked at his side.

''Shit'' Mike said getting tackled by Brenner

''ILL JUST KILL YOU FIRST!'' Brenner screamed raising a knife, But Mike kicked him off.

''HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY KATIE!'' Mike said kicking the man upside the face.

''She's mine now'' Brenner said throwing a knife towards Mike, but he dodged it.

''Katie, I'm coming'' Mike said running for her, but Brenner grabbed his leg, and twisted it.

''Hurt me all you please, but hurt my kid, your a dead bastard'' Mike said standing up and chocking Brenner

A sound went off... ''BZZZZZ''

''Kill me Mike, do it. Kate will be dead within 10 minutes'' Brenner said puzzled.

''DADDY!'' Kate cried

A door slamed open, and broke a wall.

''Mike!'' A woman yelled

''GET KATE!'' Mike yelled looking to see his wife, Eleven.

''Dad?'' Lou asked ''What's going on here!''


''No I wanna know now!''

''GET OUT LOU!'' Mike screamed

Brenner kneed Mike in the stomach and grabbed a baseball bat.

''This is gonna hurt like a bit-'' Brenner said

''LEAVE MY DAD ALONE!'' Lou screamed cutting him off

''Then there was another'' Brenner said

''Leave her out! She isn't like the rest!'' Mike said

''The rest of what!?'' Lou cried ''Please tell me!''


Lou looked scared, then tears formed in her eyes.

''KILL YOURSELF'' Lou yelled running at Brenner and pushing him. He fell back and hit his head off a container taller then the room.

''Oh my god...'' Mike said walking towards him, checking for a pulse. ''You killed him''

A loud creek filled the room, then a terrible cry.

Mike's hair at the back of his neck stood, and he got goosebumps. He slowly stood, and looked behind him.

The tower had 3 cracks in it, with a little liquid falling out, hitting the ground and dissolving it.

''EL! DO U HAVE KATE?!'' Mike yelled

''Almost!'' El said

There was a huge smash, then the tower broke. ''RUN!'' Mike yelled running for Lou.

''Dad..'' Lou said not able to move, Mike picked her up and ran, as Acid ate the room.


Lou untied Kate, but slipped

Mike picked Kate and El up too and pushed them out the door as acid surrounded the spot he was standing, the ground cracked and he fell through.

''DADDY! DADDY!'' Lou cried as the building collapsed, and Brenner's dead, blue body fell infront of them with a note.

''She'll die without her powers, 24 hours to find them, or Kate goes bye bye, love always. The Brenner Lab''

El screamed as a little slug arm grabbed the body pulling it into the ground, then all of a sudden everything went black.


''Where am I?'' Abbi asked waking up in the hospital bed.

''Don't worry there, Abbi, I'm just finishing what my father started...'' Dr. Adam's said


So Brenner died. Mike may be dead, and that cliff-hanger.... Is Brenner Adam's father?

Do you think Mike survives, There will be a few more scenes of Brenner in the upcoming chapters. Do you think Kate will find her powers? Do u think Abbi will make it out alive...?


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