Dr. Adam Brenner

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Dr. Adam walked over to her desk, and sent out an email to Mike and Eleven.

''Come on, figure it out numb nuts!.... ~Anonymous

Dr. Adam's walked back to Abbi, and picked her up.

''Where are you taking me?'' Abbi cried

''To the cellar where you die!'' Adam's said

''You cant kill me!'' Abbi said

''Cant I?'' Adams laughed but then Abbi broke her arm, making her drop Abbi to the hard, cold floor.

Abbi stood and ran.


''MIKE! MIKE!'' Eleven screamed looking at the ground.

''Dad...?'' Lou cried

Kate looked at the two, then ran towards the hole.

''No! Katie stop!'' Eleven cried

''I prefer Kate!'' Kate yelled jumping into the ground

''KATIE!'' Lou cried

Kate fell down and down then clicked a button on her bracelet and then she began to float, She then lowered herself to the ground, where she found Mike.

''Daddy?'' Kate whispered touching him

''Ah'' Mike screamed awakening

''Daddy!!'' Kate screamed happy then hugged him, She then sat on his back then floated back to the top.


Mike and Kate arrived to lower ground, ''Mike!'' El cried running and jumping into his arms. ''Don't ever leave me!''

Lou hugged Mike, and didn't let go. ''You scared me daddy, you scared me!''

''I'm sorry Lou, I love you hunny'' Mike said trying to release but Lou didn't let go.

''Is everything ok?'' Mike asked

''I just, don't wanna let go'' Lou said with a teardrop falling onto his coat.

''Why?'' El asked

''I'm not like you mom, or the twins. I'm like dad, Witch make's me a daddy girl, so I don't wanna let go..... Ever! I'm human, and normal... I don't have powers and neither does dad.... That means a lot to me, cause now I feel safe'' Lou cried

''Oh...'' Lou said ''She found out...''

''You should have told me years ago Mom'' Lou said walking towards the car.

''I'm sorry''

''Sorry doesn't cut it''

Lou got into the car with her Dad, sister and mother.


Abbi saw a sparkling ball and ran for it, But Adams pulled her hair, and forced her back.

''ENOUGH!'' Abbi yelled punching Adam's in the stomach, causing her to turn blue.

''You, You hurt me'' Adams said

''I had to, you wanna kill me'' Abbi said ''I cant let you do that''

Adam's spoke ''There... is your sister's powers...'' Adams cried then let go, and passed on.

''Adams... Adams....'' Abbi whispered but then heard a bang and ran, She opened a little tiny tinker bell bag and collected her twins powers. She then ran and bumped into an old friend

''Uncle Dustin?'' Abbi said

''Where's you dad'' Dustin asked

''I don't know'' Abbi said

'Come with me, Ill keep you safe!'' Dustin said picking Abbi into his arms and running out of the hospital, where Mike pulled up.

''Dustin?'' Mike called rolling down the window ''Why are you in new York?''

''I came to warn you'' Dustin said

''About what!?'' Mike asked

Dustin went to talk but then before any answers came out, a car piled over him.

Eleven grabbed Abbi and placed her in the car, and Mike looked at his friends body.

''We cant leave him'' Lou said ''He's our uncle!''

''We cant stay either!'' Eleven said

Mike got out and saw Dustin's body gone. ''Where did he go?'' Eleven asked

Mike got back into the car and drove away.


3 days later

Kate got her powers back... But now things in the wheeler house has changed... Forever

''I DONT CARE ANYMORE, YOU ARENT MY SISTERS!'' Lou screamed at the twins

''it isn't out fault'' Abbi cried


''That isn't true'' Kate said ''And you know it''

Lou looked at them, and saw a toy truck, with a little bit of blood on it.

''No one will ever accept me... Ever'' Lou said running for the truck

''Stop!'' Abbi said ''You cant touch that''

''Watch me'' Lou said

Kate raised a hand and made Lou fall back into  a wall, 4 photo's smashed and landed on the floor. The house shook, and Lou's head had a cut on it now.

''She's right....'' Kate said clicking the truck

''KATE! DONT DO THIS!'' Abbi cried but then got blasted against the wall. Kate did too. Then in a flash the house was blue, then back to normal.... And all three girls weren't waking up..


What do you think Kate did? What do you think that toy truck was about? Leave comments on what should happen. Where's dustin? Vote, comment and follow.


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