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''It's Halloween girls, are you almost ready?'' Mike said

''Yes daddy.'' The three girls said, walking down the stairs, one at a time.

''Woah'' Mike said

Lou was wearing a beautiful red gown, with a little bit of blood makeup, and a basket. She was little red riding hood.

Kate was dressed as Alice, from Alice in wonderland, and Abbi was dressed as a dead black princess, she had a black wig, black dress, black gloves and there were rips, cuts, and holes in it too look real, and fake blood and dirt.

Eleven walked down, and she was dressed as a Fairy Princess, More known as Tinker Bell.

Mike dressed as Homer Simpson.


''The party starts at 8 doesn't it?'' Kate asked

''Yep, so we better get walking. It's 15 too'' Mike said

The gang left the house.

''Dad, can we change plans?'' Abbi asked

''Why?'' El asked

''I wanted to actually go to the Stranger-Ween convention, they have roller coasters and stuff, Please! Please! Please!'' Abbi begged

''I suppose, what do you girls think?'' Eleven asked

''I like it'' Kate and Lou smiled

''But I'm 13, I'm gonna go to the party? Ok. Ill be home for 11'' Lou said

''10:30! no later!'' Mike said

''Ok! Thank you Dad!'' Lou smiled joining up with Army and Mila.


Inside Stranger-Ween.

''The ticket booth is over there, Mike'' Eleven said

''Alrighty, ill be back'' Mike said walking over to the stand. He knocked and waited but no one answered. Mike turned and shrugged at Eleven, in condusion.

''AHHHAHAHA'' A screaming person made. Mike turned and punched the person in the face. ''Fuck! you scared me!''

''I'm sorry, Lol'' Will said removing his mask.

''Will, how the heck are ya!?'' Mike asked

''Great, I have a son. His name is Manny'' Will smiled

''I need 4 tickets'' Mike said

''100 bucks'' Will said ringing them up.

''Its Halloween man, my kids are only 6'' Mike said

''Alright, 25'' Will said handing Mike tickets, and Mike handed Will 30 bucks, a five dollar tip!!


They walked in and saw clowns, Mummy's, vampires, zombies, Ghost, Pumpkin heads, warlocks, witches, Fairies, Frankenstein, and a lot more.

''This is really cool, different from when we were kids, Eh?'' Mike laughed nudging Eleven.

''When we were kids, it was way worse! They would actually hurt you!'' Eleven said ''Remember what happened to Steve'' Eleven said


''Get the hell away from my girlfriend, or ill smash your teeth in you freak!'' Steve yelled at a clown.

The clown pushed Steve over, and grabbed a machete.

''No, Don't stab me'' Steve said

''Stop'' young Eleven said

''Come on man it was a joke!'' Jonathan said grabbing the clowns hand, The clown kicked Jonathan down.

''Please stop!'' Young Dustin and Lucas said

''Lower your weapon'' Hopper said raising a gun

The clown chopped the Machete into Steve's stomach.

''What the fuck dude!'' Steve said, but died anyways.

*Back to the future*

''Steve died from the clowns here'' Eleven said ''So we need to be careful tonight. It is the annual purge game here''

''If anyone touches my kids, ill kick their ass'' Mike said ''Don't worry, no one will hurt them''



''Why cant we find the exit? We need to get home to Lou'' Kate cried

''I don't know! We'll find a way!'' Eleven said running for the gates, but no one was around for miles.

''Hello Mike Wheeler, Eleven Wheeler'' A creepy voice said

''What do you want?'' Mike said turning to see the clown who murdered Steve.

''What do you have there?'' The clown asked pointing to Kate and Abbi.

''There our kids, and you aren't getting close to them'' Eleven snapped

''Really? Why not!'' The clown said

''Just leave us al-''

''DADDY!'' Abbi screamed

''HELP!'' Kate screamed

Eleven turned and Mike looked ahead, Each clown held a child. The pink one holding Abbi and the blue one holding Kate.

''Let my daughters go! Now!'' Mike said throwing a knife at a clown, chopping his ear off.

''HAHAHAHAHAHA'' The clown laughed sickly biting on Kate's ear,

''IVE HAD ENOUGH!'' Mike screamed jumping on the clown.

The clown Stabbed Mike in the arm, and got on top of him, and punched him 6 times, until Eleven wrapped a rope around his neck, and tied it to a car outside of the fence. The car started. ''WILL! DRIVE!'' Eleven screamed, The car began to drive.

The clown got pulled into the air, and against the fence.

Eleven shielded the eyes of Kate.

The clown hung on the fence, Dead. And Will chocked the other clown too.

Abbi, and Kate hugged their parents.

Will opened the gates, ''I'm sorry, I thought everyone left' Will said

''No problem, Let's go'' Mike said. They all got in will's car. ''DRIVE US HOME PLEASE!!''

Will took 3 minutes to get to the house. Mike and Eleven ran to the door, it was busted down, and inside was Lou tied and beaten up, once again.

''LOU!'' Mike cried going to her side, and Eleven saw a note.

''Mike, listen to this.

Dear Wheeler family.... You think it can just end like this? Think again! You'll never be safe as long as Eleven's still Alive..... Happy Halloween.... ~The Brenner Lab~

Mike and Eleven gasped.

''The two died tho'' Mike said

''Well someone's still running the Brenner Laboratory, and they want me gone'' Eleven said

''El, we can just move!'' Mike said

''No... Mike! We cant! As long as I'm alive, or here, the girls, you.. Your all in danger, I cant do that to you guys'' Eleven said

''Well I cant do this on my own'' Mike said

''You can find someone else, but for now.... I'm giving in to them'' Eleven said

''Eleven... No!'' Mike said grabbing her arm.

''Mike, I'm a 28 year old woman, I can make my own decisions, and this is one I made. I'm sorry, and I love you!'' El said kissing Mike.

''We've gotten through it for 17 years. You cant leave now!'' Mike said

''I'm already gone'' Eleven cried.


Goodbye Eleven <3 :(

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