Chapter 3- Happy days are coming

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                       Olivia's POV
    I woke up to the sound of our foster father, Bill, yelling at us to get our butts downstairs. Nothing changed in my routine except that it was a Saturday and I wouldn't have to go to the hell also known as school. I looked at my phone and I have 5 notifications from Lin. I heard Bill yell again. I made a reminder in my head to text him back. I quickly got changed and walked downstairs, my lazy sleepyhead  brother followed. I saw my foster parents sitting at the dining room table with our social worker. Everyone looked like they have been arguing for hours.
    Our social worker smiled at us, "hi Will, Olivia. I have some good news for you!" She was trying to keep a smile even though Bill and Mary were giving her evil looks. "You guys are being transferred to your new home 2 months early!" I couldn't help, but smile. But that smile was soon wiped of my face by Bill.
    "No it's not good news! One of you said we were abusing you! It's lies I tell you! We have never done anything to these children. Right kiddos? Now which one of you told this terrible lie?" I looked down and so did Will. I knew they would find out eventually.
    "I-I d-did..." I stuttered. My voice was weak. I wa so scared that he was going to beat me.
   "Why on earth would you say something like that?" She looked at me with daggers in her eyes, but she kept that fake innocent smile on her face.
   "Because it's the truth," I stood my ground. My voice was still shaky but I tried to hide it. I felt something make contact with my face. My whole cheek was stinging. He slapped. In front of the woman that could take us away from them. He really wasn't helping his case and made it worse when he started kicking me. I felt the kicking stop. Will was able to pull him away from me. Our social worker helped me up.
  "Are you okay Liv?" I heard someone ask. It wasn't our social worker, this voice was too. I was able to find my glasses and put them on when I saw Lin. I gave him a huge hug. "I tried to get here sooner but traffic was terrible," he laughed.
   After the police were called and my former foster father was arrested, Will and I packed our very few belongings and headed downstairs to Lin. It turns out he's taking us both it as our new foster parent! I knew for once I was actually going to be safe.

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