Chapter 12- Lin and Liv

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Olivia's POV

    I woke up not on the hard ground but on the couch in Lin's dressing room. I tried to sit up but Lin stopped. I then realized most of the cast was in here.

   "Easy niña," he helped me lay down in a way that was more comfortable. I had pain all the way up my back. "Niña can you tell us what happened? Why Anthony found you unconscious and covered in bruises behind the school?"

    I felt everyone's eyes on me. I knew they were all going to find out eventually. "My old bullies decided to check in on me." I couldn't say any more without dissolving into tears. Renée hugged me, and told me everything was going to be alright. I wanted to believe her but it was hard.

    "Liv is this why you didn't want to go to school?" Lin asked, obviously worried. I only nodded. "Who was it? Who did this to my niña?" I kept crying. I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I pulled out of Renée's arms and curled up into a little ball.

    The cast started to leave the dressing room with more questions than when they went in. "Niña you're going to have to tell me who it was and what they did exactly. I don't want to pressure you but I'm to go talk to your principal about this." I got really tense and quickly turned to Lin.

   "No! My principal hates me. I went to him before the first time. He said I was lying and if I come to him one more time with a case of them bullying me he would have me suspended. I can't get suspended!" I broke down into tears. Lin wrapped his arms around me. I heard his start singing Seasons of Love. How did he know that calmed me down? It doesn't matter because it worked. I fell asleep in his arms to him singing. How did I get so lucky. I don't deserve this.

Lin's POV

   She fell asleep in my arms to me singing. She's so cute. I carefully laid her down when I heard my phone ring. "Hi is this Mr. Lin-Manuel Miranda?"

    "Yes this is him." I was praying this was not another crazy fan.

     "Hi I'm Olivia's social worker. I'm hear to tell you that you have been approved to adopt Olivia. You just have to go to the hearing and it will be official. Have a nice day!" I couldn't believe this! I'm going to be Olivia's dad! I texted Vanessa right away and then got ready for the show. I was definitely pumped for this one.


    After the show I carried the still sleeping Olivia back to the car. I drove home playing the Rent soundtrack quietly hoping she doesn't wake up to my off pitch humming. I get to the apartment. I have both of our backpacks on and Liv in my arms. Not the best for my back but i'm too tired to care. I walk into the apartment to a worried Vanessa.

    "Is she okay? Did Anthony get to her in time? Can she walk? Is that why you're carrying her?" I stop Nessa's worries with a kiss.

    "Anthony got there just in time. She fell asleep to me singing her Seasons of Love when I was trying to calm her down. That's why I'm carrying her. I put the special tape on her back so she should be okay. Now I'm going to lay her down in her bed before my arms pop out of their sockets." Nessa giggles and I take Liv to her room. I lay her carefully down and put her backpack down on her desk chair.

    I walked back out and put my backpack down and plopped down on the couch. "Nessa she said she was beat up by her old bullies." I was looking up at the ceiling completely exhausted. I didn't look at Vaness but I could hear her crying. "Will was the one that helped keep them away before, but now that he left." As I said that I got a call. I looked at the caller id I was surprised. I showed Vanessa.

   "Answer it!" she whisper shouted not trying to wake up the two sleeping kids.

    "No. He left his sister and us. He hurt her enough as it is. I'm not letting hurt our daughter anymore," and with that I hung up. I'm going to make sure no one is going to hurt my daughter ever again.

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