Chapter 44- Why?

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Oak's POV

    "It's going to be okay Livvy. I need you to breathe," she was freaking out. I wrapped my arms around her trying to calm her down. I could feel her shaking. "Please relax. I can help if you calm down. Please Livvy." my voice breaking with every word.

    "Oak..." I heard her say quietly, "why did he have to yell?" Her voice was weak and shaky. I looked down to see her looking at me. Her eyes were filled of fear and worry.

    "I-I don't know Liv, but I know Lin would never hurt you. Lin was trying to protect you." I hugged her. I have never seen her this scared. Was she like this when she lived with that terrible foster family?

    I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard machines beeping. I looked down to see Olivia unconscious and her body was shaking. I started to freak out. I hit the button to call a nurse. "Livvy it's going to be okay. Just stay with me," tears started to form in my eyes when a few nurses finally came in. One lead me out saying that I couldn't be in the room while they figured out what was going on.

    I walked sadly to the waiting room where everyone went to after the fight. "What happened? Why aren't you with her?!?" Will asked in a panic. I just cried. Olivia, my best friend could die. All because of someone yelling.

    "Oak, please tell us." Pippa said walking up to me, giving me a hug and rubbing my back. I just sobbed more. "It's going to be okay Oak. Please tell us."

    "I was trying to calm her down. I told her that Lin would never hurt her. She was in my arms shaking in fear. I was rubbing her back and then all of the sudden the machines... th-they started b-beeping... s-she w-went un-unconscious... sh-she was sh-shaking so mu-much..." my voice kept breaking with every word. I heard sobs throughout the waiting room. The loudest came from Lin and his dad.

    "I-If I didn't yell... I-If I n-never tr-tried to break u-up the fight in-instead of h-helping Liv... if I never m-made her feel uncomfortable i-in the first pl-place..." Lin sobbed. Vanessa and his dad hugged him. Sebastian just sat there smiling, not understanding what was happening.

    "Lin it's not your fault. You didn't know about how bad her anxiety was. You didn't know you could trigger it. It's not your fault. It's no one's fault," Vanessa tried to comfort Lin, but it didn't work.

    "I should have known! I'm her dad! I'm supposed to know these things! I should have said something! I should have said something when I noticed how she didn't look okay after she told me about her parents! I should have talked to her!" Lin lost it. I have never seen him like this before. He's usually such an optimist. He has never reacted like this before. He always keep his cool. I did not like this side of Lin. It was heartbreaking.

Lin's POV

    "Guys I hate to be the one to say it but we have a show to do," Alex said shyly. "We should probably split who stays here and who goes to the show. Lin you should stay here. Olivia is your daughter," he smiled at me in an attempt to make me feel better.

    "I have to stay," I heard Oak say. "I promised her everything would be okay. That I would be with her always. I'm not going back in that promise." He looked as much of a wreck as I did.

    "I'll go do the show. It will help me not worry," Pippa said. "You do not want to see me worried." She did a small giggle hoping to lighten up the mood. It helped a little.

    We eventually decided Oak, Renée, Chris, John, Leslie, and I were going to stay. Everyone else was going to do the show. My dad took Sebastian to him place to watch him while V and I stayed waiting for any updates about Liv.

    Hours passed with no news. I cried the entire time. Different scenarios, all ended terribly. "Lin you need to go home and get some sleep. We'll call you as soon as we get any news," Chris said putting a hand on my shoulder. "Please Lin. Liv would want you to rest." I knew he was right. I sighed as I got up.

    "You promise to call me? No matter the time?" I asked putting on my coat and helping Vanessa put on hers.

    "Yes Lin. Now go get some sleep!" Renée said smiling. She hugged me tightly, "we'll see you later." Vanessa and I left then. Walking to the car in silence. Neither of us could think of anything to say. All I could think about the entire way home and getting ready for bed was Liv. I just wanted my mi niñita back.

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