Chapter 10- School

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Olivia's POV

It's been 2 weeks since the shooting. I left the hospital after two days of tests which Lin or Vanessa haven't told me what they were for. Leslie is better now, he just went home four days ago. He's still not well enough to perform. Lin and I go over to his apartment everyday to check up on him and keep him company.
Also now because of the shooting they have installed a metal detectors in the front of the theater and the stage door has way more security than normal. Sometimes I feel like it's a bit extreme, but Lin has been very paranoid since the event. It's gotten so bad he can't leave me home alone.
Today is the day I finally go back to school. I really don't want to. I rather spend the day with Leslie. So does Lin, but Vanessa says it's only till she can find an online school for me. Yeah I have severe anxiety when it comes to school.
I finally got myself out of bed and to the kitchen. "Morning," I sat down in a chair at the table across from Lin and Vanessa. There was already a bowl of Coco Puffs in front of me. I started to eat a little bit even though I wasn't hungry. "Who's taking me today?" I looked up at them.
"Lin's taking you today on his way to the theater and Anthony is going to pick you up then take you to Leslie's for a little bit," Vanessa was already halfway out of the door. She was just putting Sebastian into his carrier and grabbing her travel mug. "Have fun at school! See you tonight!" and with that she left.
"Go get dressed Liv. It's almost time to go," Lin said as he took my bowl. "Not hungry? I thought these were your favorite." He looked at me. He seemed a little upset.
"Not hungry. I usually don't eat breakfast before school," before he could question me any further I went to my room to get changed. I threw on a pair of jeans, a long-sleeve turquoise shirt and a dark heather grey hoodie. I also throw some uggs on my feet and put some light eyeshadow and eyeliner on for makeup. I grab my backpack and leave my room to see Lin already to go. We leave the apartment and get into Lin's car.
We drive up in front of the school. I give Lin a hug and get out of the car. I walk up and into the school. I don't even bother going to my locker. I go straight to my period one, biology. I hate biology. I'm horrible at science of any kind. Luckily we just watched videos all period.
The bell rings and the next two periods go by fast, algebra 2 and spanish 3. I finally get to a class I care about, honors U.S. history. That goes by fast because we just took notes from a presentation. I head to lunch and meet up with my friends, Anna and Emily.
"Okay you have to tell us what happened! You haven't been in school for two weeks!" Anna is probably the craziest friend I have ever had. And by crazy I mean crazy in a good way. Sometimes she gets a little boy crazy.
"And why we saw you and the cast on the front page of the newspaper!" Emily is the reasonable one. She isn't boy crazy because she doesn't like boys.
"I rather not talk about it..." I sighed. They just kept looking at me. I gave in. "There was a press conference. Lin had me go on stage because he was going to officially announce to the public that he was fostering me," my voice was quiet. "It was like any press conference until we heard a gunshot. A so called reporter shot the guy who plays Burr, Leslie Odom Jr. I saw him aiming for Lin next, Lin didn't. I stood in front of him and took the shot for him..." I started crying. I haven't talked about it yet. I was glad the first time I talked about it was with my friends and not with a reporter.
"I'm so sorry Liv! Are you okay? Is Leslie okay?" Anna was rubbing my back.
"I'm fine. Leslie's wound got infected and that got him sick. He finally got to go home a few days ago. Lin and I go visit him everyday. He's not going to back onstage for another week." the period luckily ended then. I quickly wiped my tears and headed to my screenwriting class with Emily. That period went slow only because we had a quiz and I didn't know anything but my teacher wanted me to take it just so I would have something to do.
After that I headed to chorus. I had Emily and Anna is that class together. We were all altos. This was the easiest class because I have been taking piano since first grade and voice lessons since fourth grade. I also learned things here and there from Lin.
That period like the others ended. It was finally last period. My favorite class of the day English 2 honors. I'm only a sophomore and I'm taking an honors English class. Not many sophomores take honors classes but I am one of the top students of my grade. It's a great class. It's small and our teacher is outstanding. She was so understanding when I talked to her about being absent. She's the only teacher that knows what actually happened. All my other teachers think I was just sick. That's how much I trust her.
The only problem with class is the three meanest boys in school are in this class. Aaron, Richard and James are the biggest bullies in school and they get away with it. Last year they bullied me so much that I started ditching classes so I could avoid contact. Will helped keep them off my tail this year but now that Will left I'm scared they're going to start bullying me again.
The bell rang and I hurried out of the classroom. I stopped outside to check my phone when I didn't see Anthony's car. He was running late and got lost.
I looked up from my phone to see my old bullies in front of me. "Looks like your big brother isn't here to save you anymore," Aaron said as he pushed me to the ground.
"Heard you got a new foster parent. The great big Lin-Manuel Miranda," Richard kicked me.
"I bet you he doesn't actually care about you." James said kicking me where I was shot. Pain filled my body. "He's just doing it for the publicity!" They all were kicking me and punching me. I screamed hoping to get someone's attention. James just punched me in the throat. They dragged me to the back of the school and continued beating me up.
Once they were finished using me as a human punching bag they left me on the ground. I curled up into a ball crying. I couldn't get myself to stand up. I couldn't even feel my legs.
My head was spinning. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. The last thing I saw was my phone lighting up from the texts that Anthony was sending. I blacked out after I saw one of his messages.

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