Chapter 26- Prank Gone Wrong

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Liv's POV

   Once most of the cast arrived we put our prank into action. Lin put the whipped cream on Anthony's hand. I dangled a piece of string in his face. He smacked himself in the face making whipped cream go everywhere. I laughed so hard. "Lin! Olivia!" I ran so fast, Lin following me. Anthony is catching up when Lin trips.

    "Go! Save yourself!" I laugh and keep running. I hid in Lin's dressing room. I waited quietly for Anthony to come. I heard footsteps and a knock at the door. I was about to talk when I started getting a flashback.

"Olivia! Get your butt down here right now!" I was hiding in my room from my crazy foster parents. They did everything. They drank, they did drugs, they abused me.

I heard footsteps coming. I started to tense up. There was pounding on my door. I stayed in the corner. The door bursted open. "You are going to pay big time for what you did!" I was slapped, kicked, punched. My glasses were luckily safe on my desk. I blacked out after three punches, seven slaps, and ten kicks to the stomach.

End flashback.

   I woke up from this nightmare not in Lin's dressing room, but in the stage. I was sitting in a chair. Leslie was kneeling in front of me. Anthony was standing by my side. Both looked like they've seen a ghost.

   "Liv what happened? Anthony and I go into Lin's dressing room to get you after pulling the prank and you're sitting in the corner shaking and crying. We tried talking to you but you didn't respond. We tried everything to get you to snap out of it. What happened Liv?" I started crying again. I was going to tell them about this when Lin and I were going to tell the cast some news, which is the reason they're here.

   "Where's Lin?" My voice was quiet and weak. My body was still shaking. I could tell if was scared or was cold.

   "He went to call Vanessa," a familiar voice said. One I haven't heard in a long time. I looked up, "and me."

   "Get away from me Will!" I tried to get up but I forgot my pain meds today. My leg was burning in pain.

   "Liv calm down," Anthony's voice was calming. I sat back down. Still in and ready to bolt to a different room. "He's here to help," I looked at Anthony. He seemed to be telling the truth. "We know there is some tension between the two of you, but Liv we're worried about you. It was Lin's idea," he looked down. I could tell he didn't trust my brother. I didn't either. Not after that night in the alley.

   "I want to talk to Lin. Alone." As I said that Lin walked in. He saw I wasn't having my flash back anymore.

   "Niña! You're okay!" He hugged me very tightly. "What happened?" He didn't seem to notice my brother on the stage.

   "I-I had a flashback... I could control it..." I bursted into tears. Forgetting about my brother.

    "Such a baby," my brother said. We all looked at him. Lin looked at him furiously.

   "No one invited you! Leave!" Will liked confused. Everyone looked at Lin. "Leslie take Liv to the Renée and the other girls. Give her her medicine. I'll be there in a bit." Lin hugged me and dragged my brother out of the theater. Into the snow.

    Leslie and Anthony helped me up. They carried me to the Schuyler sisters dressing room. They all helped me to the couch. I instantly started crying. I was in pain and just overall shaken up by the event. Renée hugged me. Soon followed by Pippa and Jazzy. I hugged back. I was so scared that Lin was going to hurt Will. Or worse, Will will hurt Lin. 

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