Chapter 8- Awake

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Olivia's POV

    I slowly opened my eyes and saw Vanessa asleep in a chair and Lin right next to me. I smiled weakly at Lin. The smile didn't last long when the pain came back to my side.

    "Liv! You're awake! Vanessa wake up!" He was holding my hand with one and the other he was shaking Vanessa awake.

    "Olivia! Baby!" She was so happy to see me awake. She hugged me. It hurt but I loved being in her arms.

    "Nessa, I think she's still sore." Lin said with a smile. Vanessa pulled out of the hug. They both looked so tired, but so happy.

    I looked and saw the time. "Dad don't you have a show in a hour?" I asked. My dad never misses a show unless he's sick or an emergency.

    "I didn't want you to wake up without me." He smiled at me. There was a twinkle in his eye. I love seeing that little twinkle.

    "I'm awake now. Go do the show dad. People payed a lot of money to see you. I'm probably going to fall back asleep soon." I smiled. I was speaking the truth. He needed a break.

   "Okay. I'll go but I'm going to come right back after the show. Just so you know there's a member of the cast that has been waiting all day worried about you." He kissed my forehead and left. I smiled when I saw who walked in.

    "Olivia!" It was Renée. She hugged me carefully then pulled back. "You had us all so worried! I'm so glad you're okay!" My smile only grew.

    "So are you the cast member my dad was telling me about that has been waiting all day worried about me?" I saw her smile fade.

    "No. We have all been here. Do you remember anything that happened?" I nodded. How could I not remember? I almost lost my life and saved my dad's at the same time. "Leslie has been bugging us all day to see you. H-He..." Renée was getting more and more upset.

    "What about Leslie? He was shot in the shoulder. Is he okay?" Renée kept crying. "Renée? Renée, what happened?"

    She took a deep breath before saying, "he's very sick... Where he was shot got infected... They don't know if he will survive. He fell asleep a few hours ago and hasn't woken up yet. He said that if you woke up before him... to tell you he was so worried about you...." Renée kept crying. I couldn't believe it. Leslie was very reserved around me.

    I cried so much that night. I couldn't stop myself even when Anthony made the funniest joke I have ever heard come out of his mouth. I couldn't even smile. I can't knowing that someone that cares about me could die. I eventually stopped crying when I fell asleep to Jazzy singing to me. I love these people so much. 

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