Chapter 14- Results

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Lin's POV

    "Please! I have to be with her! She doesn't know what's going on!" I was fighting a nurse trying to follow Liv and the doctors helping her.

    "I'm sorry sir. You have to wait here. The doctors are doing everything they can do." I was crying. She went in the same direction that the doctors took Olivia. I sat down with my head in my hands. My phone buzzed.

From Renée:

Hey Lin. I'm at Leslie's

waiting for you. Is everything

okay? Did something happen

to Liv?

    I smiled at the text. It made me smile because it was amazing to know someone cared about Liv as much as me and Vanessa. I quickly responded.

To Renée:

I'm sorry. Liv was having

nightmares all night long.

I stayed with her most of

the night. When we woke up

this morning she didn't remember

the nightmares. While we were talking

this morning she all of the sudden was

in pain. She was in so much pain. She

said she couldn't feel her legs. I took her

to the hospital. I don't know if she's okay

or not. I don't know what to do with myself.

    I cried writing it. I couldn't believe we were back in the hospital. I heard my phone buzz a lot more. I just let it keep buzzing. I couldn't bring myself to explain it again. My phone kept buzzing. I gave up and looked. I already had ten notifications, the number just kept growing.

From Renée:

I'm so sorry! I'm coming

over after I finish checking

up on Leslie. See you soon!

From Anthony:

Lin! Renée just texted me.

I'm so sorry! I'm on my way

with Jazzy. Hold in there man!

From Chris:

Hey dude! I heard about Liv.

You okay? Text me back. I'm

worried about you.

From Daveed:

Lin please respond. We're

worried about you and Liv.

Give us an update on her as

soon as you have new info

    I was about to start responding when a doctor came out. "Lin-Manuel Miranda?" I got up and walked over to him. "Hello Mr. Miranda. Your daughter is going to be okay. The tear did increase. She's going to in a wheelchair for a little bit. She's going to start physical therapy in three weeks. She can not walk at all unless you want to risk the tear tearing completely making her never walk again." I started crying. There's a chance my niña never walking again. "There is a surgery we could do to repair the tear, but it is very risky to perform giving her age. That will be our last resort." I sighed at this.

    "So she was to be in a wheelchair for how long? Is it going to help the tear?" I had so many more questions. I wanted to ask them all, but I needed to wrap my head around the situation.

    "The wheelchair will help prevent further tearing. She will be in the wheelchair until the therapy starts working. You can see here now. I have already filled her in and called your wife for you. You can take her home in a few hours. We gave her some pretty powerful painkillers." He handed me a sheet of paper, "Her prescription for some not so heavy painkillers. I'll see you in a few weeks." He left me there stunned. I was still crying.

    "How is she?" I turned around. It was Renée and most of the cast. I broke down into more tears.

    "Lin what's wrong? Is she okay?" Pippa put a hand on my shoulder. I tried to get a grip on myself. I felt Renée and Pippa hug me.

    "She's going to be in a wheelchair," I managed to get out. "The tear got worse. She won't be able to walk because the tear could get worse. She's going to physical therapy in three weeks... I'm so scared she won't be able to walk again..." I was still crying my eyes out. I know how much acting and performing mean to her. I've caught her so many times dancing to different cast albums. One time I caught her dancing to In the Height. That made my day. I may have secretly filmed it so I would be able to cherish that memory forever.

   "Let's go see her." I heard a voice say. It was a voice I haven't heard in a week. I looked up. It was Leslie, out of bed and his apartment. 

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