Chapter 36- Hospitals

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Lin's POV

The doctor said she was lucky not to have died already. She overdosed on the painkillers she had left over from when she was in a wheelchair. "Mr. Miranda, I'm sorry to say. Olivia is in a coma. She can wake up tomorrow or in a month. Or not at all. It all depends on her," My heart broke. My Liv could never wake up. "You can see her now. Not too many at a time." He left to go see another patient.
I bursted into more tears. My niñita. My poor niñita. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "It's going to be okay, Lin. She's a strong girl. She will make it through. When she wakes up we can all take her out for dinner like we always do and tell her about what Tommy said." Chris was so hopeful. I don't know how. He's my best friend, that's how.
"Where is she? Where's the kid?" Oak ran over to us followed by the rest of the cast. I broke down into more tears.
"She's in a coma," Chris said gently knowing I don't want to talk about it anymore. I finally got up off of the floor where I was.
"I'm going to check on Liv," I started to walk when Pippa grabbed my hand. The way Olivia would. I started crying again.
"You okay?" I shook my head no. Pippa pulled me into a hug. I cried into her shoulder. I couldn't control my tears. They just kept flowing. "Do you want one of us to come with you?" I shook my head yes. I kept crying.
"Lin I'll go in with you." I pulled out of Pippa's hug. Oak put his arm around me, "it's going to be okay." We walked to the room together. I stopped before opening the door.
"I-I can't do this..." I looked to Oak. He looked nervous too, but he opened the door. As we walked in I saw Olivia laying down on her bed. She had her eyes closed, very weak. Her skin was pale and her hair was loose and fell in front of her face. I walked over to her bed. She looked peaceful but sick at the same time.
"She looks peaceful. Wonder what she's thinking about," Oak thought aloud. I just smiled. Seeing her made me feel so much better. Before I knew it Anthony ran in.
"Liv!" When he saw her he broke down into tears. "Liv..." he walked by her side and held her hand. She was still unconscious. "Kid wake up... Please..." he got no response which made him cry more. "Liv. I can't lose you!" Oak had to drag him out of the room because he was freaking out so much. I felt bad. If only I was a better father she would have not tried in the first place.
"Lin, Vanessa is here with Seb. I didn't know if you wanted to tell her or a doctor or one of us." Chris walked to me. He looked at Liv briefly but I could tell is hurt him to see her this way.
"I will," I stood up. "Watch her please." He nodded and I left the room. I saw my beautiful wife crying.
"Lin!" She ran and hugged me. "Why is our niñita in the hospital?" I explained what happened. She cried more and more after every word I said. I hugged her close when I saw Chris run out.
"Y-You have to see this!"

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