Ghoul Town

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The Storyteller: FALLOUT S3 E7 - Necropolis

*The trio at the wasteland at night*

"Made sense its night." Blake said.

"Because the sun was setting?" Ruby ask, which Blake nodded.

*Edna spot, seeing thing in the distains*

'Warning beep' Edna.

"What is it girl." Ruby said as if Edna was a dog.

"ED-NA sees something up ahead." Storyteller.

*Storyteller and Tanner look to see what Edna seen*

"Feral ghouls... Seven of them. Heading this way. You take the one on the left." Tanner.

"I hate feral ghouls." Ruby grown.

*Tanner stands up and fire rounds at 6 ghouls*

"Thank they hit?" Blake ask their sniper.

"Can't tell." Ruby said.

*A feral runs at Tanner*

"6 shots, killed 6 targets. I'll have to say yes." Ruby said.

*Tanner reloads*

"You gonna get that?" Tanner.

"Sure you're not done showing off?" Storyteller.

"You were showing off." Yang said, who is the second person in the team that shows off.

*The feral is still running*

"You should deal with that." Ruby said.

*Tanner and Storyteller still talking*

"Or did you only bring six cartridges?" Storyteller.

"I don't think she that ill-equip." Weiss said.

'Sign' Tanner.

"I'll let you handle this one. Unless that fancy tri-beam ran out of batteries." Tanner.

"I can handle a feral ghoul with my bare hands." Storyteller.

"You mean like Yang." Ruby said, which Yang only giggle.

"And fifty pounds of power armor." Tanner.

"Okay, he does have that." Weiss agreed with Tanner.

"Did I ever tell you about that time ED-NA and I beat up the entire Legion?" Storyteller.

"Was it that Three-Dog episode, because that was great." Blake smiled at the memory.

"I assume ED-NA took out most of 'em." Tanner.

"At least she giving Edna some more credit." Ruby said.

"She's meaner than she looks. Killed all the Legion mongrels before they knew what hit 'em." Storyteller.

"Nice job, Edna." Yang cheered.

*The feral getting closer*

"Okay, we get it you're both bad-ass. Now stop talking and kill that ghoul." Yang said.

*Tanner spin kick the ghoul, tripping it*

"Nice kick." Yang said, she always have problems fighting people that uses kicks.

"You can just step on it now, I guess." Tanner.

*Tanner leaves Storyteller with the ghoul*

"That's a little cold." Weiss said.

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