Chapter 6

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"So she just spilled chocolate milk all over you?" Ralf says in amazement. I nod my head.

"I mean I guess I should feel bad for calling her a skank but honestly, I don't. I guess I meant it. All they do is sleep around anyway." I say with a shrug of my shoulders. "I don't know why they won't just admit that they are sluts."

I hear Rosie die laughing. "Oh god Ev! You're just going off today! I love it." She shakes her head. "Ralf you should have seen what happened at lunch. It was so unexpected of Ev."

He laughs from the single chair and says, "Wish I could have seen it."

"Could have seen what?" A girl's voice says from the doorway of the game room. Tanya comes waltzing in and sits right on Ralf's lap.

"We are just talking about... uhh..." Ralf says and looks at me. I roll me eyes.

"We are talking about how I called Fiona a skank and how she dumped chocolate milk all over me." I say.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. You know it wasn't very nice of you to call her a skank." I stand up from my chair.

"I was just being honest, and it wasn't very nice of her to dump chocolate milk all over me. But hey, you don't see me complaining."

Tanya eyes me up and down then smirks. "You know, I never knew you were like this Evelyn." She says.

"Me either." I say and walk toward the door. "See you guys tomorrow." I hear them mumble goodbyes as I exit.

Okay, next stop. Jason's room. He's probably playing Call of Duty or something, but I don't mind. Right now I just want to nap in the comfort of a warm bed.

I walk into his room without knocking on the door. He's on his bed playing video games like I thought. I crawl onto his bed and into the covers and sigh. I love how he has like six different blankets on his bed so it's nice and warm. I close my eyes and get ready to take my nap.

"So I heard you got milk dumped on you today." Great, I was starting to enjoy the silence.

"Yeah, Fiona dumped her chocolate milk all over me because I called her a skank. Her and the rest of the cheerleaders think they own you guys. For some reason it just really aggravated me and I freaked."

I hear him laugh. "Wow Ev, that's so not like you. I'm glad to know that you're starting to come out of your shell though."

I frown even though he can't see it. A shell? I never had a shell, I was always just slightly quiet. I wasn't completely shy or anything. "I never had a shell."

"Whatever you say buttercup. Whatever you say." I hear his video game go back into play mode and I know that our conversation is over. Good, I need to get some shut eye. I close my eyes and let the darkness take over.


I hear a knocking on the door. I stifle a yawn and try to stand up to get it. I notice I can't move. What's happening!

Then I feel the pressure of something holding me down. I try to lean up a little and I see an arm flopped across me. An arm? What!

I turn and see Jason sound asleep and cuddled next to me. Why didn't he wake me up! He always wakes me up before he goes to bed! I've never slept in Jason's room before! Never mind any guys room.

A knock sounds on the door again and I wiggle my way out from under his arm. Then I get out of his bed and go to the door. I open it slowly and peek to see who it is. I sigh in relief when I notice that it's Rosie. I open the door the rest of the way.

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